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Miriam 🇮🇪

Give whoever wrote this headline a medal


@Badger_AF @Bronwyn @Miriamm Whoever this lord is it seems a whole bunch of people has been doing their work for a long time now. SMH

Frans Super

@Miriamm How on earth does this person think that he should have to have a say in this? He's allowed to vote for the Klingon party on Pluto. As a resident.


For being ignorant of facts? Ted has been a nickname for Edward and other names for years.

Fred C. Trump (dead/deceased)

The is the only time Senator Ted Cruz was ever seen to receive love from another human. Unfortunately this moment was later determined by forensic analysis to be an optical illusion. The man seated behind the Senator is several feet away and was actually trying to block out Cruz's commentary through intense concentration.


@Miriamm so is Ted proposing to dictate what we can be called. He might as well also tell us when we can go to the bathroom. In the 50', 60's we were all scared of communists, not its the republican minded people - dictating!!!!@!

Jennifer Kayla | Theogrin 🦊

@areeve @Miriamm

He and his are telling us when we can go to the bathroom. And where.

(The lack of access to public restrooms is a known and proven mechanism to restrict general public safety for trans, NB and GNC folks, as well as a way to enforce ableism in general.)


@Miriamm What's Nimrata Haley think of this one?

Taylor Barnett-Torabi

@Miriamm @sphakos it made him big mad in the replies and I love it


@Miriamm This bloke, who is obviously an enormous fucking prick...


@Miriamm wtf - the Texas guy without a spine?


@failedLyndonLaRouchite @Miriamm

‘If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion."

And yet, they want to make it so we can't acknowledge trans people's identity as valid, because it would be unorthodox.

Hypocrisy, thy name is GOP


@failedLyndonLaRouchite @Miriamm

"No Federal funds may be used for the purpose of implementing, administering, or enforcing any rule…requiring an employee or contractor of any Federal agency or Department to use—(1) another person's preferred pronouns if they are incompatible with such person's sex; or (2) a name other than a person's legal name when referring to such person."

P J Evans

@Greengordon @failedLyndonLaRouchite @Miriamm
So, no one gets to use their own nickname that they've been using since childhood?


@Miriamm The party of hypocrisy at it again!


@cowvin @Miriamm The hypocrisy is the point. The whole ethos of modern conservatism is that one set of rules should apply to you and yours and another to everyone else.

Dan Herbert

@Miriamm The headline writer forgot that Cruz's preferred self-declared pronouns are "Kiss my ass" which I would gladly respect and use if I ever had a chance to meet kiss my ass.



That said, I thought the preferred pronouns were "it".

"According to its spokescreature, the senator said..."

@danherbert @Miriamm



If ever anyone feels the need to mock this guy but struggle, just wait and he’ll self own.

You can’t make this shit up better than republicans.


@GhostOnTheHalfShell @Miriamm he tries so hard when he goes into stand-up comic mode, but it is just so cringe (and I don't ever use that word in that way, but it is the only way to describe him).



Y'all never listen when I tell you that it is impossible to reach peak stupid with these folks. :)

Bruce Heerssen

@jrredho @Miriamm
There's no rock bottom, either. Kind of amazing if you don't think about it too hard.

Mx Amber Alex

@Miriamm still waiting for "Joanne Rowling, who identifies as J.K., …"

183231bcb I would laugh so hard if the legacy media started saying cis people "identify as" their gender.

"Joe Biden, who identifies as a man, also identifies as the oldest person ever elected President of the United States. Biden identifies as running for reelection against Donald Trump, who identifies as being a 77-year-old man.

Matt Transue

Q: But what about the First Amendment?

A: Remember, the GOP only apply the first amendment when it protects their guns, unborn babies and attempts at violent coups. 😉

Brian Hawthorne

@Miriamm @MaryAustinBooks Kiss-my-ass (self-identified preferred pronouns for “Ted”) is a power-hungry hypocrite who should crawl back into whatever hole kiss-my-ass crawled out of.

Brian Hawthorne

@Miriamm @MaryAustinBooks And I find it very rude that newspapers have not been using kids-my-ass’s preferred pronouns and keep misgendering kiss-my-ass (Rep. Cruz).

Sine-Nomine🇵🇸Free Palestine🇵🇸

@Miriamm what next? No nicknames? How about per names, lovers names, sweet names for kids, animals etc?
child one, child two, child three?
Cat one, cat two?
Dog one, dog two?
Bigger, fish, to, fry.


@Miriamm everything this guy does is pandering. I guess that’s what his constituents want.



We need to pointedly refer to him as Monsieur Rafael every chance we get. Until he finally admits that people want to be referred to by the name they give you

Wade Wainio

@Miriamm Plus, as I have said before: The first sign that Ted Cruz sucks is that he chooses to be called "Ted" instead of his actual first name, Rafael.

P J Evans

@wadewainio @Miriamm
Using middle names is not at all uncommon. "Ted" is short for "Eduardo", his middle name.

Nantucket E-Books

@Miriamm They got some good headline writers down in San-An-tone!


@Miriamm so i can create bills just because I want to? Ok!

Alpha Kilo Papa

@Miriamm My name is Anthony. My family calls me Tony. I don't have a choice in that. I introduce myself to new people as Anthony. They call me Tony eventually even if introduced as Anthony. I don't have a mental breakdown when they do. I don't even correct them. I let them call me what they want, ya know why? Because I have no control over other people's words. If you believe someone should have control over others speech you belong in a woodchipper. Period.
Ireland for the Irish btw. Soon.

Laux Myth (aka Martin)

While I still can, I will choose a few choice names for him and use those.

cache mx

@Miriamm apparently it's called the "Safeguarding Honest Speech Act " and can be found here:


@amsomniac @Miriamm a nice name would be "Safeguarding Honest Interaction System" or SHIT.

cache mx

@bufalo1973 @Miriamm wouldn't that be SHIS?

my favorite part is where it says "a person is defined as an individual" like that clarifies anything

Arina Artemis :nonbinary_flag:

@Miriamm The only problem is, he definitely doesn't deserve a name as cool as Rafael. Though frankly even Ted sounds a bit too nice to him. Asshole Cruz?



“I don’t know if it’s been asked but did Ted Cruz have a secret nickname in college everybody called him?” “That dick. But it wasn’t secret.” - Craig Mazin, The Last of Us Producer and ex college roommate


@Miriamm unfortunately it looks like they changed it. Based on a Newsweek piece on it, it looks like it was because of his response

Andrew Rakowski

When I went looking, the article I found had the different headline of "Ted Cruz bill would bar federal funds to enforce preferred pronouns. Critics call out his preferred name." The article is at:



@landrew @Miriamm can confirm I’m seeing that one, too.

I thought there had been a more generic one when I made the comment but I didn’t think to write it down, maybe I’ve lost my mind


Another waste of time from this ass. All that quiet time, I guess his is what he’s been stewing over. 🙄

Crispy Branzino
@Miriamm senator rafael! Does your Canadian heritage influence your family life as well as your moral candor?

@Miriamm Dear world, has we the Canadian people known what he would become we would have straggled him in his crib.

Deep Mud

@Miriamm I'm so very, very, very happy that the Republicans have found an important issue affecting the lives of real people to act on. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄.

So many possibilities. Climate change. Health care. Education..... But instead we are being protected from....pronouns

Kathy E. Gill 🇺🇦

Here’s the full tweet with original timestamp (there was a second one as well). The SA Express News story is paywalled.

However, that is not what the bill does. The bill is an example of a strawman argument: it’s preventing federal government $ from doing something that I don’t think is happening.

Plus: do we really have one legal name? These lawyers say no.



Here’s the full tweet with original timestamp (there was a second one as well). The SA Express News story is paywalled.

However, that is not what the bill does. The bill is an example of a strawman argument: it’s preventing federal government $ from doing something that I don’t think is happening.


@Miriamm Wonder how Nikki Haley feels about that?

Air Adam

@Miriamm Got to give them credit where it's due, the San Antonio Express News and Rolling Stone have both done their thing this week 🔥


@Miriamm It is all about privileges: I will ban you from using what I think I have all the rights to use.

Mercurius Goldstein

If he doesn’t want to use the name assigned at birth, he should have to see at least two different psychologists over an 18 month period to confirm he’s too much of an asshole to be called Rafael.

Michael Wehle

@Miriamm What you have posted is a tweet. This is not the headline of the San Antonio Express article.

Paul Sutton


So if this bill passes he will probably end up being prosecuted for executing his right to use Ted, rather than Edward,


@Miriamm If we could only push for "asshat" being a pronoun we'd got him coming and going


@Miriamm Better yet, give whoever wrote this headline money by subscribing to the San Antonio Express-News and supporting this kind of journalism over ad-supported clickbait. Especially if you live in Texas.



i better hear every journalist and congressional colleague calling him Raphael from now on.



>fascists introduce law to limit names and pronouns
>"well okay Raphael Edward Cruz!"
>gets shot by fascists
>law is only used to prosecute trans people for existing


@Miriamm What would CONServatives like #CancunCruz have without lies, hypocrisy & projection?

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