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RealGene ☣️

@wffl @Mara
IANAL but: super is already in use as a keyword/adjective to identify a module parent.

So now the parser must distinguish between 'super let' and 'super::let'.

The behavior described for super let doesn't yet exist anyway, so a new release would be required regardless.

So add 'make' as a super let, or 'durable' or 'perpetual' as a let modifier when you add the functionality…

You want a modifier to at least hint at what it's going to do. Super is kind of vague.

1 comment

@RealGene The compiler can look at two words instead of just one, so that's no problem. ^^

`super let` is currently always an error, so nothing breaks if we give it meaning. So we can do that without needing a new edition.

`make` is currently not a keyword and can be used as a regular identifier (e.g. variable or function name), so making that a keyword would break things and thus require an edition.

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