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Jason Scott

Hot new trend in AI generated art, the "more of this" meme.

Jason Scott

Old days: ?SYNTAX ERROR?

These days: <scratches head under cap> ya know, I'm not sure we can go any further with this thing, boss.

Jason Scott

Old days: Well, where IS the Syntax error in line 10?

These days: Look, I know it's asking a lot, but could you do the thing? And after that, do the opposite thing.

Jason Scott

Me when someone uploads a new 8-bit console demo to the emulation system at the Archive:

Manuel Correia

@textfiles It's starting to look like a Netrunner card! 😮​ @NullSignalGames

hot metal oxide

@textfiles This is hilarious. "Look buddy, it already includes blinding ethereal light! I think it's time to call it."

Demon Queen Lucretia
@textfiles okay, maybe this is one of the valid uses of AI art, generating bespoke galaxy brain style escalation memes.
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