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Hugo Slabbert ⚠️

K, I apparently am late to the "sharks have been around for a ridiculously long time" thing. I mean, I know they're ancient, but I really did not have a clue just how ancient, relative to other "things that have been around forever".

The one that blew my mind is the age of sharks relative to the existence of the universe.

By our best understanding, the Big Bang happened about 13.8 billion years ago. Sharks have existed on Earth for about 450 million years. That means sharks have existed for approximately 3% of the entirety of the existence of the Universe.

Standard "some things that sharks are older than" list:

- Saturn's rings (~100 million years old)
- The Pleiades cluster (75-150 myo)
- One galactic orbit of the sun (200-225 my)
- North Star, aka Polaris (estimated at ~70 myo)
- The Atlantic Ocean (~150 myo)
- Pangea (formed ~335 million years ago)
- Trees (390 myo)

Michael Vance

@hugo The one that continues to amaze me is that the Great Lakes are only 10k-14k years old, which is miniscule on geologic scales. Recommend reading about the last glacial maximum, the Holocene glacial retreat, the little Ice Age.

Hugo Slabbert ⚠️

@mtothevizzah good pointers, thanks! Honestly my geology knowledge is fairly lacking, but these kinds of planetary scale events are just astounding to consider.

Claus Aranha

@hugo Wait, sharks are older than trees? That is seriously cool.

neville park

@caranha @hugo caveat: the first shark we'd probably recognize as a shark didn't appear till the Devonian, a mere 380 mya

Ulrik Nyman ⬡

@caranha @hugo And trees is not a species, but a strategy employed by multiple different unrelated species.

Richard Hendricks

@hugo Sharks being older than trees always blows my mind. What did the first shark to see a downed log floating in the water do? Try to bite it, and get very confused?


@hendric @hugo Sharks are successful but still not very bright. Every shark since has attacked that downed log

Johan | PD1JMB

@tip @hendric @hugo

It's funny how humans think that "smartness" somehow matters. But modern humans have only been around for a measly 200k years 🤪


@dynode @tip @hendric @hugo In this perspective, there is no long-term evidence for the survival value of intelligence.


@hugo Seen several sharks. Smallest was a pale Yellow 3’ Sand shark in a tide pool. Picked it up and carried to the water. Normal were 5-6’ Blue sharks also in sight of NYC. Largest was a 65’+ Black Nurse shark about 6-700 miles East of Miami, on a New York to Virgin Gorda passage. Chance, under sail in light winds within 100 yards before it submerged. It was almost as the big as the ship.


@stevewfolds @hugo Does the Black Nurse Shark have another, more common name? I can find nothing about it.


@Voline @hugo You are correct. The largest is the Whale shark at 60’. The White Spots on Black background is the one. The ship was about 60’ on the water line. 52 years ago…


@hugo you watched The Meg didn't you? 😉


@hugo Sharks are just some of those ancient inhabitants of our misnamed planet: "Water."

Brings to mind "The Magic of Reality" by Dawkins. It has a nice part where he shows a hugely long list of photos starting with our own, then our father or mother, one of our grandparents, and so forth for one of our ancestors in each of our previous generations. If we could go back far enough, as in a few million years, the photo would show us.. not even a mammal but a fish!

Sandeha Lynch

@raulinbonn @hugo
Neil Shubin's 'Your Inner Fish' should probably get a look-in here.

Rémi Letot

@hugo which means that sharks, like dinosaurs, lived on the other side of our galaxy.

hazelnot :yell:

@RLetot @hugo it takes 230 million years to do a full orbit around the galactic core, which means they've done almost two full revolutions

Robert Buchberger

@hugo dragonflies are similarly old, around 300 million years. They don’t beat sharks, but they do beat most of your list too!

Tyrone Slothrop

@hugo Sharks are THREE TIMES AS OLD as the Atlantic Ocean???!?


Barry Schwartz 🫖

@slothrop @hugo

These things aren't as impressive to me as to some, but then, for instance, I view the Atlantic Ocean as a dynamic entity. Those eruptions in Iceland, that's the Atlantic expanding yet more.

And Saturn's rings weren't there for early bony fish either, and perhaps not even for early mammals. The Pleiades are about half as old as we, the mammals.


Barry Schwartz 🫖

@slothrop @hugo

Pangea and trees are the only things on the list that actually are much older than mammals by the dates given.

Barry Schwartz 🫖

@slothrop @hugo

Mosses go back 450 million years. Sharks, of course, are stuck in water, but mosses colonized the land.

Hugo Slabbert ⚠️

@chemoelectric ...and have now also taken over the fediverse with the mosstodon tag 😝

Maggie Maybe

@slothrop @hugo I guess I just don’t understand where the sharks lived if they are older than the ocean? Were they all in the Pacific Ocean and then they swam on over once the Atlantic formed?

Tyrone Slothrop

@maggiemaybe @hugo Well, there were oceans. But the continents were shaped differently, so the Atlantic didn't exist in its current forms.



@slothrop @maggiemaybe @hugo Technically humans have only been around for 300,000 years, so before that the oceans probably didn't have names. 😆

Timothy Swan

@maggiemaybe @slothrop @hugo They didn’t say sharks are older than all oceans, just the Atlantic. The Atlantic Ocean only came into being after Pangea separated, about 200 million years ago.

Russell S. Pfau

@hugo That's a neat comparison. Something related to think about: the shark lineage and the "all other vertebrates" lineage diverged 420 MYA. Why did one of those two lineages diversify morphologically so much more than the other? The two lineages are equal in age, but not equal in morphological diversity.

ROTOPE~1 :yell:

@rspfau @hugo if I had any talent, I would put a blåhaj face over Kiera :BlobhajReach:

Hugo Slabbert ⚠️

@rspfau I guess sharks lucked out early with a form that is successful across a wide array of geological periods? Sharks: "We're perfect just the way we are, thanks!"


@hugo ‘sharks are older than the ocean’ would make a good bumper sticker.

Michael Busch

@hugo @nyrath

The age of Saturn's rings is argued about; as is how long they will persist.

They could be as old as a few hundred million years.

But probably still not as old as sharks.

Henry Cobb

@hugo Sharks have been around the galaxy twice.

Hugo Slabbert ⚠️

@Hcobb meanwhile humans are out here having only gone 0.15% of one trip around the galaxy.

Ben Aveling

@hugo Yes. But they were quite different to modern sharks.


@hugo how are sharks older than trees wtf 😐

Hugo Slabbert ⚠️

@fracofavor it's wild, right? They're not older than land-based plants entirely (~470 million years ago), but still older than when trees started to form.


@hugo This is like reading Betty White and Mel Brooks are (/were) older than sliced bread, times several millions. I hope sharks make it another 450 million years, they're the best aquatic boys!

Sandeha Lynch

@fracofavor @hugo
Wait till you find out about Gary Oldman and Gary Newman, who are not the same age.

Sloan Studio

@hugo And the Greenland Shark is estimated to live 250 to 500 years old. Fascinating animals.


@hugo Seems like Lovecraft should’ve chosen a shark template for his Great Old One Cthulhu, given that sharks predate octopuses.


@hugo "What do you mean by environmental morphological optimisation?" by $500, Mr. Trebek.

Hugo Slabbert ⚠️

@Illuminatus and now you immediately had me thinking of carcinization. Give it another few hundred million years and maybe all we'll have in the seas are sharks and various forms of crabs! 😝


@hugo I just learnt today that they're older than trees because I was visiting relatives and their children were watching a TV Contest in which they asked which were older. Nobody, not the contestants and not us, but my partner got it right. I'm still kind of astonished.

Riku Voipio

@hugo Sharks are also older than Land animals (428 myo). Geologically that is right after sharks appeared, so I shall jump to the conclusion that it's not co-incidental - sharks appeared and some animals decided it's time to start evolving lungs ;-)

Jeff Clatworthy

@suihkulokki @hugo I enjoy the idea that other sea creatures “Nope’d” out of the ocean when Sharks came along. 😄

Chuck Skoda


This blows my mind too. Imagining some sharks still swimming around who were out there circa the King James Bible.

K. P. Badertscher

@skoda @hugo

Damn. This part of the linked article is pretty sad.

“One study examined Greenland sharks that were bycatch in fishermen’s nets. The largest shark they found, a 5-meter female, was between 272 and 512 years old according to their estimates.”

She’s just chilling for hundreds of years, then some trawler operated by some upstart primate accidentally scoops her up. The more I think about it the angrier I get.

hazelnot :yell:

@hugo Saturn's rings are newer than the trees? o.o

Pablo Rrrrrrr

@hugo So, um, we’re gonna need a bigger calendar?

Sheril Kirshenbaum

@hugo Just wait til you hear about jellyfish… 🪼

Hugo Slabbert ⚠️

@Sheril the "immortal jellyfish" is pretty freaking amazing!

Sheril Kirshenbaum

@hugo one of my favs! (I used to be a marine biologist)

neville park

@hugo *rolls eyes in horseshoe crab* :horseshoe_crab: :P


@hugo finally some internet facts that make me feel young. Thanks!


@hugo I got in a Thanksgiving argument with the “sharks are older than the North Star” fact.

Hugo Slabbert ⚠️

@fidget to be fair, on the surface my first reaction would be "bullsh*t" as well before actually looking into it!

Chris Vest

@hugo I don’t think there’s quite consensus on this one yet, but the current leading theory about the age of the inner solid iron core of the earth says it’s about 500 million years old. So just “a bit” older than sharks, apparently.

Hugo Slabbert ⚠️

@chrisvest is it? I thought the current scientific consensus was about 4.5 billion years.

Chris Vest

@hugo 4.5 bn is the age of the earth itself, I think. The debate on the solid inner core is between two different methods of measuring. Upper bound is 4.2 bn by thermal model. Paleomagnetic points to 0.5 bn:'

Lou Katz

@hugo Sharks predate trees? Wow. What did they eat before surfboards?



Trees are older than flowers and even older than wood rot.
Now you mention sharks are older than trees.
Isn't wood from trees that got buried before wood rot what became fossil fuels?

Maybe since sharks are way older than fossil fuels they are a better mascot for the Green movement than trees and flowers.

David Cohen

@hugo Wow. At that age you’d think they’d have more wrinkles. Guess the ocean is really moisturising.

Matthew Broberg

@hugo for a fun additional reference, jellyfish have been around for 500 million years


@hugo It sure is mind boggling. Did you know horseshoe crabs are very old also? As a species I mean.
About as old as sharks, I think, and without having changed much, if any at all, in those hundreds of millions of years.

Hugo Slabbert ⚠️

@Trine_DK yes! Someone else also called out horseshoe crabs, as well as jellyfish!


@hugo not too bad for a nearly boneless notochord.

Joseph Clark

@hugo @sc_griffith Dinosaurs are another famously ancient thing, and the earliest ones didn’t evolve until ~240 mya. And they wouldn’t have been the enormous and recognizable ones—the very first dinosaurs and the common ancestor of all later dinosaur clades likely were terrier-sized.


@hugo All that time to work with and they haven't invented a single dang thing. Sharks are such slackers.

Zack Apiratitham

@hugo And the widespread irrational fear of them is so unwarranted and frustrating. They’re just the coolest animals!

millennial falcon

@hugo holy fucking mother of pearl that is some SERIOUSLY HAR OUT FACTS bro. thank you. 🤌🤌🤌💯

there is one individual shark who lives around Iceland who is older than the United States. I think about that a lot.

Teemu Roos

@hugo The time scales are incomprehensibly amazing.

As a side note, what bothers me about ”group X has existed for Y million years”, is that in evolutionary terms (”tree of life”) every single species living today had ancestors Y million years ago. Whether we call ancestors of currently living sharks ”sharks”, or the ancestors of currently living ostriches ”ostriches” (instead of dinosaurs), is just a matter of choice that has only little to do with the animals themselves.

Steven Black


Want chills? Almost all the features we see in The Moon are older than sharks.

Highlands (Bright Areas): date back approximately 4.5 billion years. They formed during the moon's early history, mostly through the impact of meteorites.

Maria (Dark Areas): formed between 3 and 4 billion years ago due to volcanic activity.

Craters: Some of the large, well-preserved craters, such as Copernicus and Tycho, are estimated to be around 800 million to 1.1 billion years old.


@hugo Sharks are older than trees. SHARKS ARE OLDER THAN TREES. What the fuck.


I am guessing that by sharks you mean the ancestors of modern day sharks?

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