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Alex writes:


Perhaps there is something to it, but perhaps there simply issomething to writing hypertext. Alone.

I mean I don’t just make internal links. I link to other people and to Wikipedia. Ideally the entire web is one big web. “Wiki” was invented by Ward to make web quickly. Wiki means fast or quick.


@Sandra Ooooh, yeah. This and @alex 's
"Wiki culture" article have been very thought-provoking.

I've concluded that it's the interlinking and the intention to be edited (not just written and published once) are what make a wiki a wiki for me.

I really like your point that linking between wikis makes them part of a larger social wiki. And now I've done my part:


I forgot to say that I'm super fascinated with BuJo culture; I started a Techo Weeks this Monday actually! But no-one is ever gonna see that. It's just for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Alex Schroeder

@Sandra I tried bullet journal for a while but never got into the habit. I wonder why.

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