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nixCraft ๐Ÿง

They said by 2020, there won't be any IPv4 left, but the reality is..

Fred Edwards ๐Ÿ”ป

@nixCraft v6 is a nightmare anyway, time for it to be junked and start again.

Tuna They said by 2020, we would have flying cars...
Nuclear fusion technology has been 20 years away since 60 years...

ร˜ystein Viggen

..layers upon layers of rfc1918 + nat, but we've grown so used to it that we no longer recognize it as complicated.

Rob Carlson

@nixCraft They're largely fungible so shortages just mean paying more to get one from someone who acquired too many.

Clemens :roasted_coffee:

@nixCraft ..that everybody just uses private IPv4 and NAT because "IpV6 iS DiFfiCuLt!!"

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