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Emily M. Bender (she/her)

Please don't get distracted by the dazzling "existential risk" hype. If you want to be entertained by science fiction, read a good book or head to the cinema. And then please come back to work and focus on the real world harms and hold companies and governments accountable. /fin

Neia replied to Emily M. Bender (she/her) Yeeeep. If we're looking for an analogy with fiction, it's less Skynet, more of a digital WALL-E.

Frank Bennett replied to Emily M. Bender (she/her)

@emilymbender Years ago, I set up LDA and ran some jobs through it in preparation for a law review article that I never got around to completing. At that time there were two other pieces out there that made assertions about law based on its output—factual, conclusive claims, despite the *developer* of the system (David Bliss, IIRC) clearly stating that it only produced statistical correlations based on pattern matching, so you shouldn't do that. The AI hype is through-the-looking-glass deja vu.

mav :happy_blob: replied to Emily M. Bender (she/her)

Are there any systems left by which to actually hold anyone accountable, though? That's the part of this that terrifies me: tens of billions of dollars and who knows how many human hours of research being done by an unaccountable company for surely negative ends, and humankind has given up on placing any controls on capitalism that actually do anything.

If they do ever invent AGI, there's no possible positive outcome.

Nicole Parsons replied to mav

@mav @emilymbender

Examine the sources of the funding for this hyped up concept of AI.
Despots. Oil oligarchs. Mentally ill tech lords. Kleptocrats. Seditious GOP donors.

It's the same tax-evading billionaires behind frauds like cryptocurrency, carbon offsets, & NFT's - the "something for nothing" conmen

Mass tech layoffs to undermine content moderation. Those layoffs were ordered by the investors

Buried in the hype, is the intent to launch AI-driven anti-democracy disinformation campaigns

@mav @emilymbender

Examine the sources of the funding for this hyped up concept of AI.
Despots. Oil oligarchs. Mentally ill tech lords. Kleptocrats. Seditious GOP donors.

It's the same tax-evading billionaires behind frauds like cryptocurrency, carbon offsets, & NFT's - the "something for nothing" conmen

Nicole Parsons replied to Nicole

@mav @emilymbender

AI is replacing "algorithmic amplification" as the plausible deniability excuse for the 2024 election cycle.

Investors in AI:
Founders Elon Musk, Greg Brockman, Ilya Sutskever, John Schulman, Sam Altman, Wojciech Zaremba

Reminder: JPMorganChase orchestrated the loans for Musk's purchase of Twitter.

None of these people want democracy to survive. Their oil investors certainly don't.
Lawrence Summers
Peter Thiel

@mav @emilymbender

AI is replacing "algorithmic amplification" as the plausible deniability excuse for the 2024 election cycle.

Investors in AI:
Founders Elon Musk, Greg Brockman, Ilya Sutskever, John Schulman, Sam Altman, Wojciech Zaremba

Heskie replied to mav

@mav @emilymbender
I have mentioned this before, but it is relevant to repeat here, the words of AC Grayling
"Anything that CAN be done WILL be done if it brings advantage or profit to those who can do it." and
"What CAN be done will NOT be done if it brings costs, economic or otherwise, to those who can stop it"
It is much more (currently) relevant to autonomous weapons systems. More:

Dieu replied to Emily M. Bender (she/her)

@emilymbender Greg Bear may be is a nice read for people into doom and simulated humans.

Matthew Exon replied to Emily M. Bender (she/her)
@emilymbender The most heartening thing I saw recently was mention of an internal poll of OpenAI employees as to when AGI will be achieved, and the median answer was "15 years". "In 15 years" is a term of art in AI research meaning "approximately never and a half". It suggests the people actually building the tools have their heads screwed on moderately securely.
Mina replied to Emily M. Bender (she/her)


All this ai soap opera is tech bro PR, IMO.

Besides: I don't fear ai. I fear capitalists and governments who intend to put human decisions in inhuman(e) hands.

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