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Strangers offering unsolicited advice or derailing conversations should be familiar to all who use social media. In our new #Mastodon for Android update, we’re testing a new feature aimed to curb these behaviours:


@Mastodon This sounds like a really good idea, I will check it out!

🌼 Dagnabbit, Pascaline! 🌼


I like this part too 😂

"We also believe that by showing a bit of information about the person you’re about to talk to, we can prevent some awkward situations, such as explaining something to an expert in a given field."

This Is ARTman

@Mastodon the reminder that a "conversation is old" is ingenious 👌🏼🎊

Paul Houle

@Mastodon for every 1 "derailed conversation" I see 10 people who are offended that anybody defaces their masterpiece by replying to it.

People replying to themselves is what what I think started X's descent into hell (the endpoint of that is that you don't need to have a blog, link to the rest of the net, ...) and I think would be must better to "just say no" to that behavior by prohibiting it.

If you wanted to make things better, how about a reply browsing UI that works?

Petra van Cronenburg

@Mastodon @Gargron I can already tell you that this feature annoys me so much that I'll change the app.
"New connection" is nice, if you can disable it and when disabled, it makes no more sense.
"Age of post" is exactly the patronising style of Mastodon so many people don't like. Without algorithms, I can answer when I want to older posts. It's my decision and I'm an adult to do it alone. I appreciate that people comment on my older posts so much!
More clicks. It gets more complicated.👎

Petra van Cronenburg

@Mastodon @Gargron To show more about a person to whom I write a comment: What about a mouse-over the name opening a short kind of profile instead of the handle? Like the birdy concurrence does it. It's technically so much more convenient.

ewan I quite like what the Misskey forks do (I'm on Firefish), so I second this.


@Mastodon bad idea. People are capable enough themselves to manage this. Don't interfere my conversations please.



In my opinion, another thing the exBirdsite people like. If they don't agree with you, no matter how valid an opinion is …



@Mastodon displaying information about the person being replied to and the old post warnings are really great ideas.

I'm not sure the reminders about post etiquette will do much more than take up screen space, though. Whenever Twitter added something like that, it always came across as performative, i.e. "Well, we've told people to play nice, so we are doing our part!"

Petra van Cronenburg

@bitflipped Information about persons would be easier and better placed, if we could mouse over names and it opens not your handle but a short version of your profile. Like the birdsite makes it. @Mastodon

hybrid havoc :1m: :rm:

@NatureMC @bitflipped
gentle reminder that this is an experimentation on Mastodon for Android. While I know it's possible to use Android with a mouse, I'm not sure that applies to the average use.

If or when some version of this comes to the default web app, I think a mouse-over UI could be nice.


@Mastodon I hope the "replying to a new person" feature comes to the web and to other clients, like Tusky. I did smile at "we can prevent some awkward situations, such as explaining something to an expert in a given field" - such a wonderfully polite and roundabout way of saying "prevent mansplaining" 😀

jens (er/ihn) • :antifa:‎​

@Mastodon @Gargron thank you for your work! i have a question: did you consider to establish the option of not allowing replies? this would give the op more power over their post as opposed to nudging other people to reconsider replying.

Petra van Cronenburg

@yaenntz This is what I also miss very much, especially in political discussions. @Mastodon @Gargron

Eric Etheridge


Whatever, just as as long as Mastondon maintains eternal vigilance against the users who explore profiles in the espionage-style.

Eugen Rochko

@AliveDevil @Mastodon That's a different app. Our update includes bug fixes though, as always.


@Gargron @Mastodon
In the article there is a mention of the iOS app, so I‘m not far off-topic.


@Gargron @AliveDevil @Mastodon

Yes please DO some bugfixes.

After the new update, the "standard" Mastodon Android App is almost unusable.

Something seems to be wrong with the power management on smartphones or so.

I'm no expert but it almost killed my battery.

Which is much more of a "unpleasant experience" to me than strangers trying to explain something (who I can block in the worst case).

👉👈 🥺


@berlinfokus @Gargron @AliveDevil @Mastodon

App developer here. What do you mean "killed my battery"? Can you please elaborate on the problem you're having? Can you also please make sure you're on the latest version (2.2.3)?


@grishka @Gargron @AliveDevil @Mastodon

Guess if I see the "please be polite" notice I have the newest version. (yep it's 2.2.3)

It started by crashing when I tapped on my notifications (in the app), then the OS said the mastodon App is using an awful lot of energy and now I'm being shown this 👇 sign on my phone constantly.

Can't tell you really more, exept the model that I use (thread), because I'm not an App Developer or so.


@berlinfokus @Gargron @AliveDevil @Mastodon

Your phone is most probably a Samsung and you turned on a power saving mode. You can turn it off in Settings -> Device care -> Battery -> Power mode. And yes, Samsung's "device care" is stupid because it thinks that if an app is crashing repeatedly, it must be "using a lot of energy".


@grishka @Gargron @AliveDevil @Mastodon

Ah okay.

Yes, as I wrote before it's a Samsung Galaxy XCover 5.

So it just assumed that the App is using a lot of energy which it didn't.

I turned that switch you showed on (power saving mode) because OS told me to do so, now I guess I can turn it back off.

Then again my view is that the App shouldn't be crashing repeatedly anyway, don't you think?


@berlinfokus @Gargron @AliveDevil @Mastodon

Of course it shouldn't. But as with any sufficiently complex software project, sometimes bugs do slip through the cracks and it does happen. Yesterday's update fixed that particular crash. That's why I was asking if you installed it.


@grishka @Gargron @AliveDevil @Mastodon

Yes I did.

All I have to do now is apparently to get rid of that stupid sign in my top notifications.

Just won't go away.

But at least I know now it's harmless.


@berlinfokus @Gargron @AliveDevil @Mastodon

That icon is for "medium power saving" mode, just switch to "optimized" and it will go away

BerlinFokus replied to Gregory

@grishka @Gargron @AliveDevil @Mastodon

Thanks for the info.

I did what you said, but it's still there.

But don't bother I'll find out how to get rid of it.

I got something to do now, and you know now that you don't.


Derek Caelin 🌱


"We also believe that by showing a bit of information about the person you’re about to talk to, we can prevent some awkward situations, such as explaining something to an expert in a given field."

I've seen this happen a few times, that could be really interesting.


@Mastodon Didn't people leave corporate social media so they had more control over their experience, instead of being told how to use the site "correctly"?

This just comes across as patronising, to me.

Tom Watson

@Mastodon great idea and great implementation. Go team!

Charles Roper

@Mastodon Hey, it's a bit of "Just In Time" UX. This is great. Will be interesting to see how it goes.

cc @codinghorror

Lien Rag


Shouldn't it be done by each user (or maybe at instance level) ?
Like a warning designed by the user, displayed to would-be repliers according to parameters defined by the user (like "people I don't follow" or "people not on my instance" or "people not on the conversation")...


Why not simply give users an option to disable comments for a post - while posting and later (edit > disable comments). “Comments have been disabled for this post” is an option that FB has in groups. Also useful when a person doesn’t want to be inundated with comments for a simple FYI post like, ‘will be on a hiatus’ or ‘am unwell’ type of post.

Tejas :mastodon: 🇮🇳

Need an Option of Black in Dark mode in Android app & Web.

Atlas/Vega/Jupi 💛🤍💜🖤

@Mastodon Thank you! This looks really neat. Can’t wait to try it out 🙂


@Mastodon maybe I should switch away from the web-app on mobile and try out the Android native app too 😅

casey is remote

@Mastodon This should be optional if not opt-in, IMHO, like the Demetricator was in #Soapbox.

Connel Hooley

@Mastodon will the reminder be shown every time a user replies to the same stranger?

If so, I'm just wondering if 2 ignore options would be useful:

Don't remind me again
Don't remind me again for this user

Apologies if I'm misunderstanding the functionality.

Eugen Rochko

@connel @Mastodon The reminder is only displayed once per stranger. The second option disables the reminders altogether.

Connel Hooley

@Gargron @Mastodon ah ok that makes sense, thanks for clarifying

🇺🇸 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 🐧 🥦


I'll add ( if it isn't already there )

Remember, if you had a quick and interesting (obvious) thought about a topic chances are very good other people in the conversation did too.

Don't assume others have not.

Mike Taylor 🦕

@Mastodon Honestly, I feel that if someone doesn't want unsolicited advice, they shouldn't be publishing their thoughts in a public forum. If they're just communicating with a small group of friends (which of course is perfectly reasonable) there are places to do that in a much better way. Here ain't there.

The House Of Sports Misery

@Mastodon This was weird when I saw it pop up. At once I thought it was both an interesting idea to get people to stop and think for a moment and one that I could see getting old very fast.

The feature I really want is Mute Replies to Threads.

Annie Hsh 👾🖖☕

@Mastodon It's good to see that there is genuine intention to continue improving Mastodon. Genuinely curious to see what effect this feature will have.

Realistically, a reminder to be nicer might work on someone replying impulsively, but quite a few people online feel entitled to responding to strangers without a filter to their language or aggression, and it's doubtful that this will have much effect on them.

From a glimpse, there are enough irritated and angry replies to this post alone, about this feature, perceiving it as seemingly something that polices how they use social media, to make one question if it'd stop the same people from responding in an aggressive way.

Beyond that, quite a few people are not aware that their unsolicited advice or comments are a form of microaggression, so they still believe that they are being nice, reminder or not.

I'm gonna second all the other people suggesting that a way to not allow replies, or control who replies, would be a welcome feature that people can opt-in or out from on an individual level, as it overall allows for more control.

Pragmatically, I don't think any of us expects to completely eliminate unwanted replies when posting publicly, but any option to limit them is a good step forward, especially when it comes to making social media more welcoming to minorities and marginalised groups. So it's good seeing this conversation happening.

@Mastodon It's good to see that there is genuine intention to continue improving Mastodon. Genuinely curious to see what effect this feature will have.

Realistically, a reminder to be nicer might work on someone replying impulsively, but quite a few people online feel entitled to responding to strangers without a filter to their language or aggression, and it's doubtful that this will have much effect on them.

Twitter_expat ✅(Fedi Resident)


I only like the reminder that the post is old. Asking people to be kind is cringey and a reflection of newer generations attitude. You already have a warning like that in your instance and the user posting can have another one in its bio space. Asking everyone all the time to be polite is like North Korea totalitarian behaviour, we humans are not made to be polite all the time. We are not robots and even robots get pissed off.

Julia Evans

@Mastodon this is awesome, have you thought of letting people customize the prompt for folks replying to them? I think different folks have very different issues they seem in their replies

Todd Alström

@Mastodon Nice. Looking forward to seeing where all of this goes and then seeing if I could apply something similar to our #BeerAdvocate Community #forums. #zombiethread #beer

Mike Fraser :Jets: :flag:

@Mastodon @Gargron Disclaimer: I don't use the Mastodon mobile app but..
On the surface this looks like a terrible idea. It's like featurising the worst gate keeping tendencies of the community.
I also personally wish that development time was not spent on something like this. There are several other features languishing in the pipeline that people are anxious to see implemented.
I understand it's an effort to create a safer space but IMHO it's an over reach.

DJ Adams

@Mastodon This is disappointing at best, and anti-community at worst. Spontaneous conversations are what makes the social part of the Web (and other parts of the Internet) great, and why we're here today.

If someone thinks that a person unknown to them, who replies or comments on something they post, is "a stranger offering unsolicited advice" in a negative way, then something is drastically wrong somewhere.

Eugen Rochko

@qmacro @Mastodon If it's unclear, there's nothing actually preventing you from writing your reply. In fact, clicking "Got it" takes you to the compose screen. It only reminds you you're about to speak to someone who doesn't know you, and who they are.

DJ Adams

@Gargron @Mastodon Thanks, but it's not the UI, it's the thinking behind the UI, it's the anti-conversation concept that is at the heart of what I find unfortunate about all this.


@Mastodon I mean, ... I'm glad you're looking at this sort of thing but we really need something other than asking trolls if they want to be trolls. They're just going to answer yes.


@Mastodon I don't see many conversations. I see endless bumper stickers with no reply. (I hope I am not a stranger butting into a conversation).


@Mastodon Mastodon is already so much better about all this than most platforms, it will be nice to see it improved even more. 🥰👍#Mastodon #Twitter


@Mastodon ...some conversations that are 3 months old are what some of us refer to as 'receipts'...

BeAware :veriweed:

@Mastodon 🤣how about a reminder when you post about the visibility of said post? Something along the lines of: "This post visibility is set to public, are you sure you want actual humans to reply to your post? If so, click post. If you'd rather have nobody talk to you, how about deleting the app"

Just me, Vince.

@Mastodon As long as it isn't biased based on race or sex, I'm good. 🤔🤷👍😌

David Gerhart


FTR: I think conversation forking is useful. It's a form of filtering

The issue is attention span - and as a population we haven't much.

Also I like that some kind of personal qualifier is included. Helps to know who's response to study.

Anonymity is useful, and harmful.

David Gerhart


I'm not suggesting "Verification" (which is implemented already, sort of...)

But would badges help? For instance:

- Badge for people financially supporting their instance.
- Badge for people in elected office
- Badge for members of the 5th estate (with actual by lines.)
- Badge for ...?

Jeroen Postma

@Mastodon Not sure whether I'm a fan of the pop-up style notice. Both features have an interesting use-case but I think I'd prefer to have them inline.

E.g. having a pop-up for each individual, reminding you of etiquette quickly starts to be 'just another annoying popup' and I guess people will quickly disable the reminder altogether.

While an inline profile summary of the person you're replying to for the first time would be less intrusive to your interaction and still provide helpful info.


@Mastodon What about improving your app in areas that count to usability and features? You won’t solve the “dickhead” problem. Like notifications. Ask the heavy users what you can improve.

Sean Murthy

@Mastodon So, there would be obstacles to having the kind of conversation we are having right here? 🤔

I do see some benefits to adding some friction to the process of replying to people not in our network, but that also creates/reinforces bubbles and echo chambers.



I wonder what feature people have been asking for got back burnered or cut just to put this feature in there.

Also begging for money? You get money from military infosec people.


@Mastodon So fresh insights on intractable problems are to be censored. That seems appropriate. Our betters do have things right usually and to interrupt their hegemony would be counter productive.


@Mastodon Loving this and also loving how the reply-guys are telling on themselves.

Rhombus Ticks


I CANNOT emphasise enough how much I dislike this popup and will book anyone who uses it


Rhombus Ticks


While soliciting feedback on this feature I would love to be able to add a note like on Fetlife such as "I blocked this person for using or supporting this feature"

Rhombus Ticks


Popup of Rudeness I could tolerate.

This is just proof you need and do not have a Product Owner or are following Agile.

You might think you are but this feature is a lesson in Drvlelopers Doing UI


Ew. Ew. Ew. EW!!!!!!!!

Time for a new Mastodon Client.

Do better.

With someone.else.

Also time to find a new instance with people who care about their users.


@Mastodon tbh I though it's gonna be some awful moderation thing, amd now every controversial thing youbsay will be banned or smth.
But this is a great solution.

Rae Patterson


I am finding some of the comments on this thread so hilariously on-the-nose that it really makes me wonder whether the people who might benefit from these features are the ones who would never use them.

Interpipes 💙

@Mastodon I think the most transformational change in making conversations more pleasant would be by making them less repetitive through improving the visibility of off-instance replies.

Nicolas Bouilleaud

@Mastodon That sounds really great. Do we have an idea on how to measure if it’s effective?


@Mastodon Really excellent idea. When introducing two people, a good host will offer a bit of information about each to the other (profession, position, hobby, whatever). It's a step toward knowing the other as a person. This seems to be a similar idea.


@Mastodon how about making features with teeth instead, for example restricting or disallowing replies?

Clare Hooley

@Mastodon Ok, so already here I am agonising if I’m ok to reply here (even set to unlisted), despite you actively encouraging replies/thoughts. Overall, I’m tending to feel negative on the idea of behavioural nudges on my posts that are set by others. I mostly actively want people to feel free to chat with me; I’m mostly shouting into the void too much already. Putting people off from chatting or raising something just slightly peripheral is too much for me.


hmmm. ought to be thought-provoking, alrighty. preliminary thumbs-up. #mastodon

Some Puffstool

@Mastodon I think this is an okay short-term solution for this problem. For the long-term, I would suggest giving users the ability to hide replies to their original posts as well as have an opt-in quality filter that hides low quality replies (I have a feeling this is far easier said then done).

I know the latter would be controversial due to Mastodon/Fediverse's general stance on algorithms.

It's interesting how some people become "free marketplace of ideas" Libertarians in reaction to this.


@Mastodon This seems like a controversial move. I like some of these ideas and they seem pretty benign and out-of-the-way, but I'd be remiss if I didn't say this:

You cannot prevent people from being assholes in anonymous online social environments. You cannot ensure that everyone will have a pleasant time when the point of your software is to facilitate communication and the coming together of people.


@Mastodon No one asked for thus, you'll only annoyed new people with dumb pop-ups. Make something useful like community's trusted vote, something Twitter has to stop crazy conspiracy theories.


@Mastodon This seems like a really, really, really bad idea.


@Mastodon how is this a good idea? If you don't want to interact with strangers, you probably should just log off social media.


@Mastodon Can you display a second warning if the reply begins with "well actually"?


@Mastodon Well, it's a nice idea. I don't think it will work, but I sure do think it's a good idea and harmless enough to try.


@Mastodon 'tone policing as a feature' would probably make me move off Mastodon.

def1nt :opensuse: :dotnet:

@Mastodon I am not sure if trying to fix people online by fixing an app (in this way) would cause anything but frustration and less interaction overall, but I kind of do hope that this can work.

Maria Langer | 🛥️ 📝 🎬🚁

@Mastodon @bryanruby

That is the nicest definition of “troll” that I’ve ever read. 👍🏻

Fardels Bear


Is it relevant that you're talking to a stranger when replying to a post? This is social media and the whole point is to interact with strangers. As to bios, I pay very little attention to them. Far more telling is what people actually post. It's as if you were at a party and handed out a CV to every guest. That wouldn't be a very good basis for interesting conversations, and the other guests would probably think you were a little weird.

PHX Rail Food

@Mastodon This seems unlikely to deter the truly obnoxious and patronizing for those who have genuine questions or a desire for dialogue. It would be better to concentrate efforts on implementing controls that allow users to post with limits on who can reply.

Eric Redegeld

@Mastodon well reading all pro and cons. Make an on and off option then for the #mastoadmin

Joseph A. Langley

@Mastodon I fear this may reduce interactions further. I have already noticed a hesitancy to interact with others, and an additional step will only confirm and reinforce that hesitancy.

Also, and I'm not sure how to say this delicately, but if a person needs to be consistently reminded of appropriate behaviors, they may not follow that advice when it's offered.

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