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Christopher Beddow

@zverik @bdon @openstreetmap Ah I see what you mean! What do you think are good positive Feedbacks? If we were Waze community, you would get badges but that's not much. In another world it's some crypto or cash, but that's not really what OSMers want (well I would accept $1/changeset of course).

What are some ideas on more recognition? And is this also moving toward Gamification?

Ilya Zverev

@cbed @bdon @openstreetmap At SotM 2013 I proposed a "like" ("good job") button for changesets :) Small, but impactful thing.

There could also be notifications like "XXX improved your shop" (but I see how it can hurt), more visible regional statistics, awards, (geo-)chat... Many things, games and wikimedia can provide inspiration.

Definitely not monetary or physical incentives!

Christopher Beddow

@zverik @bdon @openstreetmap Yes! We thogihtt about this for Mapillary. We allowed commenting photos previously, like OSM in changesets. And we discussed a human feedback loop. Like Google Local Guides: how your data is used. Rob Atkinson at OGC has good idea on Provenance also, seeing how data is applied by who and where, as a way to know it's potential purpose too.

I'd love Organic Maps to share the most viewed tiles or click count of POIs as a start.

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