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Taylor Lorenz

“It is just over,” journalist @caseynewton told The Post.

“If you wouldn’t join Gab, or Parler, or Truth Social, there’s no reason you should be on X. I think it’s time for journalists and publishers, in particular, to acknowledge the new reality and to get the heck off that website.”


There is no other place in the world where you can follow car accidents in real time every day. The audience can't help but stay tuned…

@SloanStudio @taylorlorenz @caseynewton


@taylorlorenz @caseynewton Kind of amazing to say out loud given the amount of time and money news platforms have poured into twitter.


@taylorlorenz @caseynewton


Been saying same...

If you remain on XTwitterChan, you can no longer be considered serious as a journalist.

Nor as a compassionate thinking human for that matter.


@taylorlorenz the ones only leaving now are already doing it too late. But late is still better than never. Anyway, no respect for whoever still uses that Nazi platform. @caseynewton


@taylorlorenz @caseynewton I left Twitter soon after they pulled the API for Tweetbot and haven’t looked back since.


@taylorlorenz @caseynewton Didn’t #ElonMusk recently ban support for #Hamas and violent antizionism and Antisemitism recently?


@taylorlorenz this is foolish.

If journalists can report on the platform and find readers there then they should. That’s their job.

This take is like a doctor refusing to serve an accident site because he doesn’t like the type of people who frequent that venue.

No, X is a place where journalists can effectively publish their work. If they are avoiding the platform purely because they don’t like the way it looks then they are not doing their jobs, they are letting bias override their work.


@taylorlorenz this is foolish.

If journalists can report on the platform and find readers there then they should. That’s their job.

This take is like a doctor refusing to serve an accident site because he doesn’t like the type of people who frequent that venue.

No, X is a place where journalists can effectively publish their work. If they are avoiding the platform purely because they don’t like the way it looks then they are not doing their jobs, they are letting bias override their work.


@taylorlorenz @caseynewton Space Karen will blame it on the Jews. What happened to that boy?

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