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Mariya Delano

I swear the more I learn about PTSD the more I realize how many problems in the world are caused by unresolved trauma.

Anshuman Tripathi

@mariyadelano unresolved trauma leads to vengeance which leads to violence and the cycle repeats.

Mariya Delano

@anshuman but it’s so freaking hard to notice when you’re caught in those cycles

Anshuman Tripathi

@mariyadelano It is. It’s easy to get stuck in the vicious cycle, difficult to get out, and practically impossible without help 😔

Vickie :CApride: 😷

@mariyadelano yes! So much trauma! So many things come down to that as a cause. There is so much info coming out these days about unresolved trauma and how it gets stuck in our bodies. I am down this rabbit hole at the moment.

Mariya Delano

@vickietorious I’ve been researching a ton about trauma and I feel betrayed by society a bit because WHY IS THIS NOT COMMON KNOWLEDGE HOLY CRAP

Like the level to which I’ve realized that I and everyone around me have fallen into repeating awful cycles because they aren’t aware why they feel or act that way — it feels like a tragedy that we’re letting everyone in our societies just figure any of this out without help

Vickie :CApride: 😷

@mariyadelano absolutely. All the years I have spent getting help for my mental health only to find out much of it was bullshit...finding out it has to do with the fact that my central nervous system has been dysregulated and I have been stuck in freeze's tough working your way out but possible. Everyone should have access to this information.

Irenes (many)

@vickietorious @mariyadelano we are enormous believers that everyone should talk about this stuff (to the extent they feel safe and comfortable doing so)

culture can absolutely change, if we all make it change. culture is just the aggregate of everything we do, heh.

Dana, Goblin Queen

@vickietorious @mariyadelano do have any info about this at hand? I struggle with being in freeze mode and so many people in my family have trouble procrastinating and initiating tasks, much less finishing them. Sorry to butt into a convo like this

Vickie :CApride: 😷

@Cryptika @mariyadelano there is tons of info on Instagram...start with

Lots of good resources to start and she even has a free group you can join, as well, she teaches a course that is not too expensive. Or do a search for hashtags system

Dana, Goblin Queen

@vickietorious @mariyadelano thank you, Vickie, that seems like a great place to start! 💜

Vickie :CApride: 😷

@Cryptika @mariyadelano she has helped me a lot...and it's a great, supportive community if you decide to join.

Vickie :CApride: 😷

@Cryptika @mariyadelano if you don't have instagram, let me know and I would be happy to help further.


@mariyadelano @vickietorious check to see if there is a group in your area promoting public education in ACEs or all of the NEAR sciences, trauma informed care or healing centered care. there are people working on it and we need more help


@mariyadelano this! and too many of us pass it off as oh she’s always flashing or he’s always on 10…

Eric MacKnight

@mariyadelano Life begins with trauma, doesn't it? From the baby's point of view, what else could you call birth? And that saying—what doesn't kill you makes you stronger—isn't "what doesn't kill you traumatizes you" closer to the truth? And doesn't "stronger" in the more popular version actually mean "more inured to trauma"?

Mariya Delano

@ericmacknight but also we don’t need to keep adding to the traumas that life inevitably throws at us. And many smart humans have figured out a lot about how to heal from or deal with trauma healthier. And we should be equipping each other with those skills!

It Never Had To Be This Way

@mariyadelano "The Myth of Normal" written by Dr. Gabor Mate is about exactly this,strong recommend!


@mariyadelano yup lots of people walking around thinking they're "fine" but most really aren't. We all have gaps in self-awareness.

sykora :trans_furr_white:

@mariyadelano It feels to me like we're all subject to a cycle of generational trauma that's gone on since one bacteria ate another one

Princess Beach

@mariyadelano I think about this all the time!! Entire nations are built and fed by unresolved trauma. The trauma cycle continues in more ways than one.


@mariyadelano I feel like there's a collective trauma ongoing, especially with the US after 9/11 where it doesn't feel like they've dealt with it at all. Everyone got the pandemic and we still have no idea how to process it healthily. Lots of trauma, nobody really speaks of social trauma though.

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