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hey, quick reminder that i'm also on Bluesky. should i migrate over? i don't use twitter anymore, and mastodon doesn't have many non-techy folks.

David Glover-Aoki

@tubetime I'm deeply uncomfortable with BlueSky, and especially with who owns/runs it. I won't use it by choice.


@davidga jay, or jack, or someone else? the place seems pretty LGBT friendly but 🤷


@tubetime Bluesky has some serious problems with how they run and moderate their platform.

Articles that open with "DON’T FORGET TO turn ‘Nazis’ off in your preferences!" are not a good sign.


@developing_agent tbf mastodon has similar issues (perhaps more complex)

Reto Stamm


I like it here because its one place where I am not a product.


@tubetime I think mastodon does have those people, just that you've not necessarily found them yet, but I have to admit that's not who I'm after but I'd say my non techy folks on here are of a fairly high quality


@Wtt604 it's not just that i can't find them -- if they exist on mastodon, they don't seem to interact with me in any way. there are a bunch of interesting folks i found on twitter because they replied to a tweet and turned out to be excellent folks to follow. that discoverability doesn't seem to exist here.

Emily Velasco

@tubetime @Wtt604 it's so hard to find new people to follow here


@tubetime @Wtt604 often there's less random interactions because posts don't really "go viral" on here the way they did on twitter due to no algo, but if I have an interest I happen to currently be obsessing over I can usually search any hashtag and find people for it. I also always keep the local timeline and sometimes global timeline open on my desktop just to see what random other things are scrolling by, and have found some random new people there as well.

Eli the Bearded

@tubetime @Wtt604 Discoverability is indeed bad here, but I just don't want to invest any energy into another Jack product.


@tubetime I won't follow over there. Not that I "matter " to you in the big sense, but if you go bluesky only, I'm just going to write you off.


@jbaggs why do you say that? i'm curious; some folks object to bluesky on "walled garden" type grounds, or maybe security concerns...


@tubetime A mix of both? I like your content but I'm absolutely not getting in line for a subscription service that has an invite policy to see it. Does that make sense?

F4GRX Sébastien

@tubetime @jbaggs i'm personnally done with ANY walled garden. Social media belongs to the people that write on it, not to billionaires that try to monetize our friendly interactions. I'm very glad I found the fediverse, despite all of its "problems", and I wont move away from it.

We've be bitten once with twitter, I'm not going to try the same thing twice.

Brian Swetland

@tubetime My experience with Bluesky is that I get near zero interaction -- likes, replies, etc to posts. The same content here gets actual responses (and did on Twitter before the Elon Dumpster Fire got fully underway).

A lot of the "cool kids" I followed on Twitter are over there, but in practice I rarely visit it since it's effectively consumption-only social media. I'm hoping eventually for a client that lets me combine BlueSky "entertainment" feeds with actual human interaction from here.


@swetland yeah engagement there is about what i'd expect for me joining a network for the first time. i'm not sure that's because i don't have many followers there or because of The Algorithm.

F4GRX Sébastien

@tubetime @swetland yeah,no algorithm here means much less engagement. But thats much closer to real life. We're not living shows, we're people, high engagement was just forced on us by companies that want to profit from our interactions. There is nothing natural there, just money making, again. Friends are hard to get and must be discovered, thats what the fediverse is about. Thats why I love it.

Tbh the only people I see complaining of engagement in the fediverse are 'known' people.


@f4grx @swetland people see high engagement as a negative thing because it was so frequently abused on twitter (creating a vortex of negativity) but for people like me who didn't feed into that, it created amazing amounts of positive interactions.


@tubetime @f4grx @swetland I think this ticket here could help with both cutting down on abuse (such as @TechConnectify is currently living through) and also discovering new and interesting posts and people:
It would basically be an algorithm for Mastodon. But it would be open, and tunable and most important: it could be disabled for people who don't want it. It could be a per-account choice.


@tubetime blue sky is more of the same. Another corporate owned platform that will inevitably enter the enshittification pipeline.


@keelan probably true, they all seem to go there eventually.

Nicole Express

@tubetime I've been using both, over there

Mike Latinovich aka mlatin

@tubetime that's a shame. not really interested in bluesky, so i'm afraid i'll miss out.

Darryl Ramm

@tubetime Wait we techy folks are not the audience you want? 😢

Darryl Ramm

@tubetime Needless to say, I love following what you are doing. Wish I had the times and skill to get close to what you do.

Ian Scott :apple_inc: 🐙

@tubetime if you do migrate I'll miss you. I have a Bluesky account but I just don't find it compelling enough to check it more than every couple weeks.


@tubetime Personally I’m glad you’re here! I guess it depends on what you want to get out of a social network.

The way I see it, I think all commercial social networks eventually suffer the same fate. I don’t want to put effort in building a community to only to abandon it again. At least here things aren’t profit driven nor are they centered around the whims of one person. (This has it drawbacks too for sure.)

Eric Carroll

@tubetime Really appreciate that you are here. Hope you stay, you are one of my favourite accounts.

Follow @pluralistic if you don't already & read his thinking on how platforms die. I have seen it exactly play out in my career.

I believed in an open Internet enabling disintermediation. Big Tech arc has reached terminal intermediation & financialization.

bluesky is likely to follow the same arc.

If you want an open internet, you have to be on an open protocol. That is at least here.

Mike Hicks

@tubetime For the moment I'm posting both here and on Bluesky. Bluesky is generally a lot more fun, but more sardonic (for both good and ill). Seems a lot easier to waste time over there


@tubetime I like Bluesky better honestly. I’m only over here because Bluesky wasn’t “ready” during the first twitter exodus.

But I’ve been seeing more and more people clash with Mastodon’s culture as of late and it’s kinda making me rethink things. Probably not leaving mastodon because all of the vintage Mac people are here, but…yeah.

Mastodon has always felt like “this is what you get when you let the toxic Linux users run a social network”.


@xodium that's why i like bluesky, it has a more normal and less techy feel to it.


@tubetime That's how it feels to me, too. I follow tech people, but my feed feels more...vibrant.

Also when I first joined Mastodon it seriously felt like us Twitter folk were seen as dirty, unwashed masses intruding and even though I'm on an instance welcoming to Twitter expats, I never really shook that feeling of "my presence is only *tolerated* here". (On Mastodon as a whole.)

Bluesky, on the flip, was very much welcoming with open arms, I didn't feel that sense of "I'm an intruder, here".

Emily Velasco

@tubetime I'm on there too, but I struggled to connect with people there. I had friends, but all my posts would get like one like



I followed you on Twitter, and I follow you here.

I don't see many of your posts, dunno if it's the timing or what's going on?

A lot of what you do I don't understand, I'm an M.E.


@tubetime Matson doesn't, but other servers do. Use the world feed to find some of those folk.


@tubetime I find the same techy post on mastodon gets me between twenty and infinite times more interaction than on bsky. That may just be my group.


@tubetime For what it’s worth, I didn’t know you existed until I joined Mastodon.

My only other social media account was on Twitter and their algorithm never connected us for whatever reason.

One day shortly after I joined Mastodon I saw a toot of yours through my instance’s trending list, and that’s how I came to follow you here.

I really enjoy your content, but the reason I don’t engage with it is that I’m in awe with what you do and how you do it!

Obviously I’d miss seeing what you’re up to if you moved exclusively to Bluesky, but I’d completely understand if you did.

@tubetime For what it’s worth, I didn’t know you existed until I joined Mastodon.

My only other social media account was on Twitter and their algorithm never connected us for whatever reason.

One day shortly after I joined Mastodon I saw a toot of yours through my instance’s trending list, and that’s how I came to follow you here.

Miguel Arroz

@tubetime I would prefer you stay here. I follow your content and have zero interest in using Bluesky or any other social network ready to be sold to the highest bidder.


@tubetime oh no. Please don’t go! Rather use your influence to get Curious Marc and some other people over here! It’s a bit of a chicken and egg problem obviously.


@root42 marc interacts mostly on youtube. even on twitter he was only sporadic


@tubetime That's fine... I LOVE his videos. But I also read all of Ken Shirriff's threads on the birdsite. It was meant as an example. You have very influential and insightful connections. They could liven up things here, but of course it's up to them to actually do that. 😄

Pepi the Fox :verified_paw:

@tubetime maybe once federation lands. Seems like people don't like some aspects of it but ux and tech seems promising.

Dragan Panjkov

@tubetime ah, please stay on Mastodon, your threads are a joy to read

Ingo Paschke

@tubetime I would be sad to see you go, always enjoyed your posts here.


@tubetime I always favor choices more resilient to corporate greed (open source vs proprietary, etc.). So I will not use Bluesky as long as there is other viable option.


@artelse sure but the trick is to build the social connections even without extra apps. if you raise the barrier to entry then you limit the network effect

Arthur Elsenaar

@tubetime Yes, agreed. Of course this functionality should be part of core Mastodon.
But what is more important, is interoperability. The new EU regulations DMA require this. Of course heavily contested by the big tech guys, but it is the way forward. Social media should be build on open protocols, just like email.

Anthony, of course

@tubetime I'm all for people being where they want to be, but I deeply dislike the lack of available privacy on Bluesky. I have an account, but I rarely use it, and I can't imagine ever posting anything


@anthony tbf privacy on mastodon is wildly inconsistent.

Anthony, of course

@tubetime because of how nothing's encrypted and instance admins can view everything? Or something else? I'd still consider _some inconsistent privacy_ as better than _deliberately none_

Rolf Steinort

@tubetime I love to read your posts here and hope you don't leave. But I will not go over, the way Twitter has gone down is enough for me. And I have been along for nearly the whole run.
Enshittification is necessary for their economic success, and if that is not the goal it is to promote right wing propaganda.


@tubetime please keep posting here. Love your stuff

Jens Foerster

@tubetime I am here and on bluesky. As long as you are on one of these platforms I will follow you.

I guess one of the consequences of the Twitter desaster is that we have to use multiple account on multiple sites now 🤷

Fritz Adalis

Nooooo! I love your content and don't have room in my life for another social media.


@tubetime Bluesky might seem nice and all right now, but wait until they need to satisfy all the investors and turn a profit. It'll slowly turn shitty, full of ads, algorithms in hopes of increasing engagement, also selling data. And it's already not great to begin with.

scrottie (he/him/they)

@tubetime What non-techy things are you interested in? And no, a site run by a good friend of and supporter of Elon that Elon is invested in really isn't it. It might be ok now but how many corporate communities in the last couple of years have absolutely turned on their residents? Etsy, Bandcamp? The implosion of Tumblr? And also I would miss you.



IDK I've found a lot of non tech people here. It's important to follow a lot of people here to get a real sense of what's going on.

But, yeah, what sort of things are you looking for?


@tubetime only use this for the few who haven't set up shop on blue Sky. but I have abandoned mastodon for the most part.

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