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Raptor :gamedev:

@TomF @dbort @ceejbot honestly all the serious c++ work I've ever done or even seen has had disabled exceptions, disabled rtti, and generally not used the standard library. Hell exceptions aren't even properly cross-platform, they flat out don't work on a lot of hardware.

We almost do just need to make a "C+" compiler with everything generally disabled culled out, and some revised docs, would probably help people who get overwhelmed by the feature support nobody uses.

Tom Forsyth

@raptor85 @dbort @ceejbot Same. It's C with the syntactic sugar of C++ but none of the scary runtime costs.

Raptor :gamedev:

@TomF @dbort @ceejbot Yup! C but with C++'s better scope/syntax/containerization and practically none of the overhead. Makes a considerable difference in the executable sizes too. (I know some people just lazily don't care but when I can still -O3 and end up with an executable 1/3 the size I'll do it every time) maybe it's my embedded + oldschool graphics background talking but I HATE the cruft that's added on to most languages by default.

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