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:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

rip most of the cool things #minecraft community has made over the last few weeks with crafters and copper bulbs. lets add one more to the counter of things ruined by #microsoft, shall we?

a tweet by CraftyMasterman opened in nitter, with a screenshot:

This snapshot brings a few redsone-focused changes... With these changes, we aim to bring the crafter into alignment with other blocks that drop or eject items, and the copper bulb with other blocks that react or change state when a connected redstone signal changes. As a result of this, some contraptions built during the last few snapshots may no longer work properly.

the image is captioned by Crafty as:

This is the exact OPPOSITE thing redstone want...
Emma (IPG)

@gravitos this sucks but brother you can not take just a benign minecraft change and say its a microsoftism 😭

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@ipg you seem to not be anywhere near a redstone expert, you would not understand

Emma (IPG)

@gravitos This is not a Microsoft thing . Where is the Xbox in redstone. Did they put Windows Live IDs in the copper bulb? #RuinedByMicrosoft

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