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Baldur Bjarnason

It's absolutely irresponsible of Google to continue to promote Chromium-only APIs such as the File System Access API as if they were standard APIs you can use with the expectation that cross-browser support will come eventually

Glossing over the difference between APIs that have genuine cross-browser implementation interest and Chrome-only APIs that are unlikely to ever get implemented in Firefox or Safari is tantamount to tricking devs into making their projects Chrome-only.

Baldur Bjarnason

Just be really REALLY careful when you read anything from or a domain with Chrome or Google in the name about exciting new standard web APIs. Much too often what they are promoting is effectively a proprietary API that other browser vendors have serious concerns about.

Baldur Bjarnason

And even if the APIs in question DO have cross-browser interest, they frequently change a bit once other vendors start working on their implementation.

Single browser APIs are always super risky, even if they are destined for standardisation! Promoting them as safe to use in regular web dev projects is super irresponsible!

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