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Rihards Olups

@zverik "Change" as in welcoming (more) contributions in a more diverse way, including development, marketing etc?

Ilya Zverev

@richlv More as in changing how we see the OpenStreetMap project in general. Like, maybe, not just mappers?..

As I said earlier, just accept that supporting is not just providing tools. Although we fail even at that.

Actually I've just looked at OSMF mission statement and could not even find "support the community" line.

So that would be the change.

For OSMF to start supporting OSM.

Rihards Olups

@zverik Yeah, that seems to be happening, even if slowly - additional categories of contributing are recognised.

Perhaps another way to look at it - as opposed to a more "classic" opensource project, anybody can start mapping. Whereas not everybody can start programming.

Thus it would still be accurate that OSM is about mappers - just that we might want to encourage and recognise other types of contributions more.

Would that be similar?

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