@zverik @openstreetmap the malaise over OSM is the alienation of mapping labor - all the productization and thus value extraction happens outside of OSM proper.
So commercial downstreams keep their “distributions” of the kernel proprietary with the minimum possible collaboration inside the OSM bubble.
Mappers are turned off by potential exploitation so become suspicious of anything other than mapping for mapping's sake. A vicious cycle!
@bdon @openstreetmap Looks like the question is allocation of resources! Corporations focus on preparing the data to deliver to their customers. Perfectly fine, that's what we're here for: mapping for people.
It's developers we're competing after. OSM doesn't have good monitoring / validation tools, hence the downstream distributions. If wikipedia didn't filter lies, won't be there a commercial extract too?
Corps have more resources, they get a better deal. OSMF doesn't, mappers get nothing.