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Lord Olle W

@mhoye @blogdiva @promovicz Sounds incredibly practical! How about declaring the length of an array? How about out multiplying the number of a’s in the first position with the number of a’s in the second position?

aaaarraay = an array of length 8.

Markus Unterwaditzer

@ollej @mhoye @blogdiva @promovicz one could write [int, int, int] as a type, at which point (int, int, int) and [int, int, int] read kind of similar and one might as well abandon fixed-size arrays in favor of tuples.


@ollej @blogdiva @promovicz think of the convenience, how suddenly easy it is to declare an aaaaarraaaaay of floooooaaaats.

mhoye replied to mhoye

@ollej @blogdiva @promovicz tired: syntactic sugar. Wired: syntactic high-fructose corn syrup.

Lord Olle W replied to mhoye

@mhoye @blogdiva @promovicz Also, why only have ++ increment operator for adding one, just add more plus signs to increment with that amount. So +++ adds two and +++++ adds four.

Lord Olle W replied to Lord Olle W

@mhoye @blogdiva @promovicz Lets bring an end to the discussion of using keywords or braces for blocks, we can use this instead



And also requiring indentation with alternating tabs and spaces for each level of nesting.

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