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Veronica Olsen πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ‡³πŸ‡΄πŸŒ»

@cstross @stux I was about 5 at the time of this clip. My first real encounter with a computer, I think, wasn't until helping out adding books into the database at my school library when I was around 10 or 11.

Charlie Stross

@veronica @stux My school got its first computer labβ€”with three Apple II’s between more than a thousand kidsβ€”too late for me to take a CS 'O' level much less aim to study CS at university.

Klaudia (aka jinxx)

@cstross @veronica @stux Oh wow. I still had those floppy disks in the late 1980s and early 90s. Our math teacher had written a learning program for us that he handed out on 5.25" floppies. :) And I was lucky enough to write my first articles for the students' newspaper back at school using some text program running on DOS. :)


@veronica @cstross @stux Being born east of the Iron Curtain, my first encounter wasn't until I was way past school. And it was machines like this.

Dani (:cxx: modules addict)

@sbi @veronica @cstross @stux My very first computer was the Elektor SC/MP kit that I had to buy piecewise and solder myself.

My verst first *working* computer 😜 was the successor of the famous PET2001.

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