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FediThing πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@anguinea @stux

Must have been early 1980s?

By the way, the computer they are using is by UK manufacturer Acorn.

When Acorn did their next computer model after that one, they designed a totally new kind of CPU for it called ARM. That's the same ARM chip series which is nowadays in pretty much everything portable including iPhones, iPads, Androids, Smartwatches, Nintendo Switch etc.

So, in a way, that computer there is the forerunner of almost all the smart devices people use now.


@FediThing @anguinea @stux It's not the same ARM chip series but the same ARM instruction set. Slightly difference.

FediThing πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@mafe @anguinea @stux

Fair enough! Still fun to think there is a lineage there though πŸ‘

fluffy πŸ’œ

@FediThing @anguinea @stux I've always been a bit amused that of all the micros in the 1980s, it's the Acorn which eventually won out, just not in the way anyone ever expected.


@FediThing @anguinea @stux Is that the BBC Micro? I'm sure those were the ones we got at my highschool. Our maths teacher set up a little computer lab.


@anguinea @stux Given that the computer in front of the TV is a BBC Micro and they're only giving a brief overview of what a computer can do, this is from The Computer Programme in early 1982:

Mans R

@anguinea @stux Some time after the space shuttle first flew in 1981 but before the introduction of 3Β½" floppies. This puts it in the early/mid 1980s.


@anguinea @stux early 80s - I almost certainly saw it when it was first broadcast. I think both presenters have since died.


@Winwaed @anguinea @stux as far as I know Fred Harris is still alive.


@nske @anguinea @stux I think he is (and he did quite a few maths & computer shows in that era), but that is Chris Serle

...and I'm wrong - he is still alive too!


@Winwaed @anguinea @stux haha I guess the fact I got them mixed up proves how long ago this all was (that's my excuse anyway).


@nske @anguinea @stux a while ago but Wikipedia claims Fred Harris is still broadcasting - doing the 'broom cupboard' for Forces Radio!

Ryan Thomas

@Winwaed @anguinea @stux Chris Serle, the taller guy, is still with us

Matt 🌻

@anguinea @stux That’s Britain today πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Post-Brexit.


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