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Lien Rag


So, parts of the funded work will be possibly integrated in usable Desktop Environments ?

Erik Moeller


Can you clarify your question? Are you suggesting GNOME itself is not a usable desktop environment? :)

Lien Rag


Indeed, that's the core of my message.

(and I'm not THAT sectarian, I gave Gnome a try a few years ago)

I'm happy for the funding, I'm even trying to not be jealous that it went to the wrong project, but I hope that (and I'd like to know how much) this funding will benefit everyone and not serve to reinforce Gnome's hegemony.

Lien Rag


To make myself clear : I acknowledge the enormous design work that has been done by the Gnome team, and I admit that when what you want to do is what the Gnome team wanted you to do, it works very well.
But when you want to do anything your own way (on your own damn computer), then basically all hell breaks loose.

Erik Moeller


I generally like GNOME's design philosophy. A few times I have been annoyed at basic functionality being hidden and only accessible via command line config changes, which reminded me of editing the Windows registry back in the 1990s :). But I'm still overall very happy with it after 15+ years or so of use.

But regardless where you stand, some of the funding is in support of general open source desktop work, e.g., in the context of the FreeDesktop initiative.


@eloquence @lienrag GNOME sadly gained a reputation for being against people.

Like you write, features accessible via config changes.

I assume, changing design direction every so often.

I'm not arguing to spend grant money on this but to put it on the agenda for come together meetings (Guadec?).

Personally I need low hardware requirements and use AwesomeWM as daily driver (with Mate as alternative).

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