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Jack Rusher

This 1957 photo from the construction site of the Atomium looks like a still from the greatest sci-fi film never made…

Black and White photo of a construction worker’s silhouette in front of the under-construction Atomium in Brussels (large balls connected by struts) visible in the hazy bright background.
Devine Lu Linvega

@jack Have you ever watched On A Silver Globe? Part of it is set in the Wieliczka salt mines and it's a phenomenal look for a sci-fi film

Devine Lu Linvega

@akkartik @jack it's one of my favourite movies, you can watch the whole thing on youtube, there's countless reference to it in my stuff

Devine Lu Linvega

@akkartik @jack

> After his damning second feature "The Devil" equated the Polish government to an imp whispering vile conspiracy in the ear of a shell-shocked prisoner, director Żuławski was cordially invited to get the hell out of Poland and never come back.


Jack Rusher

@neauoire Yes! Incredible aesthetics throughout 😍

Willem Van den Ende - Writing

@neauoire @jack I have been in the mines, they are quite something. Hadnt heard of the movie, thank you!

Oliver Schafeld

I was going to say Simon Stalenhag vibes, too.

It's a pity his account seems to be inactive:


@jack alt text:

Black and White photo of a construction worker’s silhouette in front of the under-construction Atomium in Brussels (large balls connected by struts) visible in the hazy bright background.

Jack Rusher

@esther 🙏 I thought I had put alt text, but apparently flubbed it. Thanks for letting me know!


@jack thanks for fixing it. now I can boost it :)

Thiago Carvalho

@jack Could be a still from an Andrei Tarkovsky movie.



Makes me think of "War of the Worlds"... great image.

Tom Ritchford

@jack Great photo, I just sent it to several friends.

It's deliberately deceptive: because of the low camera angle: the Atomium looks to be about 2-300 meters tall and about half a kilometer away, but is really 100 meters tall and a few hundred meters away.

(That's a good thing, very dramatic!)

Prentiss Riddle 🎛

@jack I had never heard of the Atomium. Thanks for prompting me to look it up.

NYC Glue

@pzriddle @jack was there many years ago. Appreciate the photo and Wikipedia update.

Citoyen européen Ray Hindle

@jack Looks like it should be from Fritz Lang's Metropolis though.


@jack it is a ridiculous thing and fun to visit

Psy Chuan :therian:

@jack the next Goncharov; a soviet sci fi film.


@jack Could be a sequel/parallel to Stalker.

Óscar Morales Vivó

@jack Fallout: Brussels vibe.

Makes me wonder how a Fallout game set in retro-future postwar Europe would be like.

halas 🇵🇸🇺🇦🇪🇺

@jack I saw this picture in Atomium before it was modernised, many years ago and I think about it often. What a shot!

Pascal Scherbaum

@jack Reminds me that #Fosdem is coming up. Maybe I'll find time to visit the #Atomium again.


@jack Front 242 video for Headhunter was filmed there in the 80s, same vibe.

Molly Cantrell-Kringle 🧑🏻‍🎄


Ferd made his way toward the emerging transmission tower. “The Midway” they called it, although until that moment he had no idea how far (and fast) things were moving along. Within the year, the new government would transform its citizenry. Ferd felt a stirring in his core as he strode forward, shifting the steel beam on his shoulder that had nothing to do with its weight.


@jack A little like the remake from War of the Worlds. Great.

Laserdisc Turtle (Ewan) 🇺🇦

@jack I visited the Atomium when I was a kid and fell in love with it. Seeing this picture just now I've fallen in love with it all over again. Amazed I've never seen it before. Thanks for sharing!

Adam R. Wood

@jack This has "album cover" written ALL over it.

Efi (nap pet) 🦊💤

@jack not like the finished building is any less extraordinary under the right lens

Jürgen Trinkaus

@jack Star Trek, Shipyard - building the Enterprise 🖖🏻😇


@jack It reminds me of the aesthetic of Tarkovsky's cursed film, Stalker, albeit with less of a sepia hue. A profoundly bleak, but also stunning film.


@jack Nice! But still doesn't beat the cyberpunk reality we live in... :/

Jima :Compromise_bi_flag:

@jack @onepict I was about to ask "is this photo even legal!?" but apparently I missed the 2016 update to that saga. Cool!

DeeAnn Little

@jima whew! I had no idea about the photo thing at all and they didn't stop anyone from taking photos when I visited. I've had this on my feed here for a few months. @jack @onepict

Jima :Compromise_bi_flag:

@chillicampari OK! I'd guess they probably gave up after 2016, thank goodness. @jack @onepict

DeeAnn Little

@jima yeah, I guess so. I don't remember any signage about it, and a lot of people were taking photos. @jack @onepict

Klara Binon

@chillicampari @jima @jack @onepict
I don't think taking pictures was ever forbidden, but they wanted money whenever you posted, published or used them.


@jack There is a very old (70s) encyclopedia for kids in Spanish called "Se Todo" which I collected and absolutely love. One of the fascicles has a nice drawing of this building on the cover:


@jack It makes me think to a book : Stalker.

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