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Flock of Cats 🐈 🐈 🐈 ❄️

I’m very adamant about using “toot” instead of “post”. I’ll die on this hill, but hopefully not today because I have lots of errands to run, like buying stamps at the toot office.


@FlockOfCats what do you think of the rapper Toot Malone?

Pippa :deadinside:

@FlockOfCats toot office is the new official name i don’t make the rules i just report on them


@FlockOfCats My local newspaper is The Washington Toot.

James Bartlett :terminal:

@FlockOfCats BRB, I gotta run to Office Depot for a pack of Toot-It Notes.

Josh Sutphin

@FlockOfCats We have to keep "toot" alive specifically so we can keep using this meme

David B. Himself Just remember that when you say "toot" and not "post" you're ignoring all of the fediverse that is not Mastodon.

🥧 Punkin' Pie 🎮

@FlockOfCats thanks for reminding me I need to buy stamps too!

Mark Embling

@FlockOfCats Make sure to use the correct tootcode when you're tooting your items.


Yes, you can't just sit there all day on your tooterior.


@FlockOfCats That reminds me, I need to pick up some fence toots and a toot digger at the hardware store


@FlockOfCats In my local dialect, "toot" is a polite word for passing gas. I just can't bring myself to call utterances toots.


I hope people salute the Tootmaster-General.

Chelivan Hebrusel

@FlockOfCats One of the central tenets of toot-modernism.


If they call it "Toot-Partum Depression" it might not last as long (:

Vint Prox

@FlockOfCats It is OK in cute Mastodon circles, I suppose... :ablobcatcoffee:

Flippin' 'eck, Tucker!

@FlockOfCats One of the best things about running your own Mastodon server is you can easily customise the button to whatever you want it to say.

A screenshot of me writing this reply, showing that on my Mastodon the "Post" button text has been changed to read "Send toot!"
Mad A. Argon :qurio:

@losttourist @FlockOfCats I have "meow" button on my server (owned by my friend from Hackerspace) and it is modified to call it meows every place in UI where posts are mentioned.

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