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Natasha Jay :mastodon: πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

I recently heard about this novel in which Schrodinger's cat and Pavlov's dog team up for an epic adventure, so I went down to my local library to see if they had a copy

The librarian said that my description of the book rang a bell but she wasn't sure if it was there or not ...


@Natasha_Jay Even though it's a little telegraphed the execution absolutely sells it :D

none gender with left politics

@Natasha_Jay @owashe you went hunting for this one. But you definitely found it

Natasha Jay :mastodon: πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

Better to share fun in this world?
As a friend just pointed out a combination of a cat, a dog, and being nerdy is sure fire joke to be enjoyed on the Fedi! ☺️


Dan Bocain

@Natasha_Jay Puns like this is how you get blacklisted from feeds!

Well played.

I see Dud people!

@Natasha_Jay "That joke was created by a committee of scientists who were drinking a lot of absinth."

Rhombus Ticks


Now I wanna write the damn thing and make two endings; alive or dead :)

Adam Wilbert

@rticks @Natasha_Jay Like those old Choose Your Own Adventureβ„’ books with pages you couldn't actually get to.


@Natasha_Jay Great …. You got me salivating.


πŸ§‘β€πŸ”¬((πŸ””πŸΆ+πŸ“¦πŸ˜»)🧬 )=


@Natasha_Jay Maxwell's Demon (The Adventures of Pavlov's Dog and Schrodinger's Cat Book 1)?

elizabeth veldon

@Natasha_Jay ok but if it was real i would read the heck out of it

Octavia con Amore

@elizabethveldon @Natasha_Jay Right!? This is one of those books that just needs to be written and would have instant support :eevee_joy:​ :furret_excited:​

Chasalin 🦣

@Natasha_Jay Heisenberg gets pulled over by a policeman.
'Do you know you were driving 85 miles per hour?'

'Dammit now I'm lost.'

Iris Volk

@Natasha_Jay 🍾 Congrats, you just won Mastodon.

Natasha Jay :mastodon: πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

I'm always genuinely in awe when something goes viral here. Like how does it happen? But like magic it can...


@Natasha_Jay and in the sequel they meet roko's basilisk and go on adventure to terminate everyone who have read that second book. The story is also recursive :ablobfoxloading:​

Carol Hughes

@Natasha_Jay πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚Remindsme of the dyslexic agnostic insomniac who lay awake at night wondering if there was a dog

Phil Stevens

@Natasha_Jay To make matters worse, if this was the story written by Heisenberg, the very act of looking for it could cause it to vanish.


Would that qualify as a "smart dad" joke?


@Natasha_Jay technically speaking you have to regard the book as there and not there simultaneously, until the librarian performs an observation.


@Natasha_Jay I read a tweet about the dunning-kruger effect, and I gotta say, they really have no idea what they're talking about.


@Natasha_Jay I laughed audibly in a pub and I’m shy, good work πŸ˜‚

Natasha Jay :mastodon: πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

Huge compliment πŸ‘
I enjoyed it too but you never know what takes off in the Fedi, it's so random...

Dianne S

@Natasha_Jay Given her lack of certainty, no doubt the librarian's name was Ms. Heisenberg.

toybox [de]

@Natasha_Jay Pavlov goes shopping . As he enters the grocery store: *ding ding ding*, goes the door. Pavlov : "Crap! I forgot to feed the dog!"

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