anyway I'm back now.
I'm gonna try to work out some extremely life hacky Time Boxing approach to internet where I make posts & batch reply to people during exactly 1 Hour Each Day, or maybe for 5 Minutes Each Hour, or maybe I'll turn myself into a robot or something
also I don't know what the hell to do about the 12 months of unanswered replies in my notifications. i'll try to get round to them soon!!!
1. bought an SGI Indigo 2 for 1/1000th of its original sale price. a while later it blew up. I spent couple weeks fixing the not-very-standard-at-all PSU (switching transistor had two of its leggies vaporised!)
it's now up and running with a hellishly loud 10k RPM SCSI hard drive and has the latest IRIX running on it. extremely nice for a 1993 computer. im creating sublime virtual worlds
2. built a guitar
3. moved out of my old flat...