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@sima @marcan I wonder, would it technically be possible to create a wayland compositor that does just Xwayland, but doesn't do window management and instead allows you to use the old X11 window manager interface to manage your windows? If that is easier than trying to keep the X11 DDX stuff on life support it would be possible to keep old Window Managers alive until the transition to wayland ia completed while still ditching the bitrotting X11 DDX stack.


@yrlf @marcan possible, yes

the same way it's possible to fix up -modesetting and improve the compositor interface to the point you can do the same things wayland can do

it would be an utter waste of scarce engineer time though

the fundamental issue with Xorg is that the compositor is smeared across two (or three) processes, with a terrible protocol in between. that is the reason you can't really use modern gpu hw to it's fullest, and the right fix is to merge these things into one process

Oro "it's flatpak time" 🏳️‍🌈

@sima @yrlf @marcan I believe the Xwayland-only compositor in mind here is partially implemented here in Termux-x11, if what the dev says is true; it's just a Wayland compositor made to only support Xwayland. The README is confusing, though, so that won't help much.


@yrlf @sima @marcan XWayland has a fullscreen mode which allows you to run an unmodified X11 based desktop on top of a Wayland compositor:

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