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Thomas Barrett 👨‍💻

@briankrebs I wonder how they are going to control the spam and other unwanted communications by someone setting up a bot.

Fernando Miguel Hahne

@trbarrettjr @briankrebs A phone number will still be necessary to sign up. The username is only to connect to a new contact without revealing your phone number.

Thomas Barrett 👨‍💻

@fmhahne @briankrebs I hope so... That is why I am no longer on many social media networks because of the junk messages that fly at me. I couldn't block them fast enough. I don't want to see them go down a path that would make people disregard the value of the service as only receiving communications that are unwanted.


@trbarrettjr @briankrebs did you read the link? You still need to register with a phone number.

Thomas Barrett 👨‍💻

@rugk The internet has a history of enshittification. This is going to be another example of in the future the requirement for a phone number to be removed, and now you have a dumpster fire of spam messages ricocheting across the service.

When that requirement is removed, I am out.

Draw a line from the other previous services such as WhatsApp. "WhatsApp for business" is cryptoscamming and now WhatsApp has become unusable.

This is the wrong path for @signalapp


@trbarrettjr @signalapp this is your personal opinion that a phone number is positive for messengers, others may disagree. So that "history" take is very subjective.

But from what I heard Signal is on the same side as you, they seem to really want to keep phone number verification, for better or for worse.

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