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Agatha (gpnvq: VISION3 500T)

important science question

what sound is the creature making in this picture

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Agatha (gpnvq: VISION3 500T)

not sure where this image came from originally but it makes a distinct noise

Electric Sheep Orchestra

@AgathaSorceress one of those fucked up high pitched warbly noises the Pokemon anime sometimes makes Pokemon do


@AgathaSorceress the entirety of Death Grips' discography

Burrowing Skylar 🦉🏳️‍⚧️ :lisp:

@AgathaSorceress it's an anguished meow rhythmically interrupted by the brush going into its mouth


@AgathaSorceress It certainly must be a sound with a or o in it. Because n, m would not be possible with that open mouth. So something like aaaaaaah or aaaoooaaaoooh. All other vowels would look different in the picture, no consonants.



"Arglgl" ? with a lot of cute variations.




@AgathaSorceress Nya nya nyanya nyanyanya, nya. Nya nya Nya-Nya-Nya nyanyanyanya-nyanyanyanya. Nya nya nyanya nyanyanya nyanyanyanya!



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