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Ilya Zverev

My talk is on Sunday (first thing in the morning after the Saturday's social event: if you miss it I'll haunt you), and I don't have a single slide. Was sitting all day with a block, and then went outside. Walking through the woods, I suddenly narrated the entire talk, start to finish, loud and clear. And it was fun!

So now, to slides, and rehearse it ten more times.

The lightning talk on @everydoor future is already prepared: no slides, just some cool ideas and a demo.

See you at @sotmeu :)

Rihards Olups

@zverik @everydoor @sotmeu
I have a major problem with an approach like that.
If I do it, I have excellent ideas - but I forget some of them by the time I get to writing them down.
And I recall them after the talk is over :/

Ilya Zverev

@richlv @everydoor @sotmeu That's why you better have somebody nearby who makes notes :) I don't, but it's fine, after a few rehearsals better ideas come up.

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