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Floris Bruynooghe

I finally finished writing a huge walk-through of using sockets in

It was fun exploring this all in excruciating detail. I have much better understanding of pointers in Rust, unsafe Rust, UB and soundness on top of the Vectorized IO and Generic Segmentation Offload that I set out to learn better.
Plus, manual memory management is so painful!

Markus Unterwaditzer

@flub cool stuff! we wrote a small statsd program last hackweek at $work, and it's been interesting getting to know the protocol and underlying socket APIs.

one peculiar thing with statsd is that, according to docs, metrics cannot be split across dataframes. do you know if there's any way to send an oversized packet into kernelspace but tell it to only split at certain boundaries such as \n?

Floris Bruynooghe

@untitaker nope, you have to have fixed segment sizes for GSO. You'd have to figure out how to pad your payloads with statsd so each payload is the same size. Not sure if statsd can do padding.

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