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@sinvega @Gargron henceforth I will refer to dumb “cookie consent” dialogs as Harbingers of the Dark Polycule


@sinvega as long as there is still cookies, then no

Jon Renaut

@sinvega look, what goes on behind closed doors among 757 consenting adults is really not any of our concern


@ebooksyearn @sinvega 758!

"we", the 756 partners and whoever is presented with that form

Jon Renaut

@drazraeltod "We" could also be referring to multiple people in this little situation. However, I don't want to jump to conclusions about the recipient @sinvega


@sinvega Every anniversary dinner a flirtation with bankruptcy...

Michał Narecki

@sinvega yup, I saw something similar recently. Totally blew my mind 🤯


@sinvega *slams fists on table* NOT FAR ENOUGH

Oversized Lucario Dot


"this chart tracking your polycule is incomprehensible."
"that's our privacy policy."


@DotRook @sinvega "By visiting our site you consent to be percieved and for us to remember personal info such as favourite programming language, special interests, the smell of your hair, the specs of your computer and the bandwidth of your internet connection at your place.
We may use that data to engage in conversation with you and to overplay that we do not remember your name."

Michelle Hughes


Now you need to get the entire polycule to agree on an endianness!

Gytis Repečka

@sinvega Except for session cookie coming from the same hostname, this is exactly 756 data diggers too much :michael_scott:

Sin Vega

websites are so over. google and facebook wormed their way into everything and then poisoned themselves and the whole world with it. fuck me, imagine thinking this is okay

Sin Vega

the gdpr is probably the best piece of legislation of the last ten years cos it's shown us just a hint of what they've done to us

Alistair Davidson

@sinvega hey one time I was at a dinner with the acting CTO of a major valley firm and he said "people don't realise what we've done to them"

Abigail 🌷

@sinvega imagine having to do the google calendar for 1542 partners

Sin Vega

@ak "I see here you've sold these numbers to 1541 other businesses. I'm interested in buying them, to gain a unique edge"

Chris Cunningham

@sinvega this is why there most recent gamers nexus video made me so happy. There are now two entire sites on the internet without any cookie banners

Pxl Phile

@sinvega not even a polycule, more like a polyganism

Michael Kohne

@sinvega If they can all keep it on an even keel, then more power to them!

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