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Miriam 🇮🇪

Hey just your daily reminder that Jewish people have nothing to do with the Israeli government you dense antisemitic fucks.

Michelle Catherine Marcó

@Miriamm Very often, the critiques I hear about the Israeli government come from literal rabbis (and LOTS of Jewish people in general). That whole pernicious critcism-of-Israel-is-antisemitic nonsense needs to stop for the sake of fighting actual fucking antisemitism, if nothing else.

Only Ohm



I agree. Unfortunately, as far as I've seen, people who are keen to label criticism of Israel as antisemitic are also very clear that being Jewish is no defence against an accusation of antisemitism. That strikes me as a dangerous position for everyone.


@Miriamm Jewish people worldwide must be absolutely horrified at the bombing of refugee camps, ambulance, hospital… on top of all the rest of the horror. It will solve nothing - not now, not when everyone in Gaza is dead. 💔 #genocide #warcrimes #gaza


@harriettmb @Miriamm you’d think. Plenty don’t. We’re not a homogeneous group. I am Jewish. The most vile language I have heard included the laughing and cheering at the killing of innocent Palestinian children came from a fellow Jewish woman in my community. Thankfully many others in the community told her she was a piece of shit. There are fkwits on both sides


@Miriamm @Lassielmr I’m very aware there are wrong ‘uns in all sides, hence I was careful not to write ‘all’ Jewish people. Delighted that plenty of people called out that awful woman cheering the murder of innocents too.

Babs 🐝⌛️🦋

@Miriamm That's right.
Zionism is nationalism (fascism). It's POLITICS.
Judaism is a faith.
It's really important people learn the difference.
The call for a political solution is correct.
There are US senators trying to make this a religous war, which is dangerous.
Understand it's politics, push for a political solution.


@Miriamm The clowns that conflate the two are going to have a real Surprised Pikachu moment when others eventually conflate the US government and the American people.


@Miriamm a convenient cover for the Christians controlling this narrative as they always do


@Miriamm people had no problem blaming Russians for electing Putin over and over...


@Miriamm The war has already started. Everyone drawing battle lines to harden boundaries expects the antisemitism cranked up to eleven just because. They prioritize their loyalties on toughness, even allies measure up to each other with harsh sentiments. Nobody wants the war at all. Except for assholes.


@Miriamm not entirely true. The Jewish people have elected a right wing racist government. By the same logic, Germans had nothing to do with the Holocaust. This is NOT a comparing statement between Holocaust and Israeli government’s actions. Just saying there is accountability between a government and its people, especially in a democracy.

Donald Ball

@Menores @Miriamm The Israeli people elected that government, bud. Not the Jewish people. This is the entire point.

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