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Howard Chu @ Symas

@mhoye @jrconlin to accuse me personally of not wanting to write docs is baseless. My LMDB project is thoroughly documented. Not only are the docs complete and easily accessible they're written in Doxygen, embedded in the source code and header files and always kept up to date with code changes.

jr conlin replied to Howard Chu @ Symas

@hyc @mhoye

I feel like we're closing the circle here.
You wrote documents, possibly good ones, possibly not. I don't know if you had anyone edit them or if you thought about the audience. Maybe you did, maybe there are guides out there that people read instead and you don't know or care.

I know that I am not a good enough writer or editor to presume that my docs are perfect. I also don't presume my audience is lazy or stupid.
It's communication.
It's hard.
We can do better.

Howard Chu @ Symas replied to jr

@jrconlin @mhoye The original audience for LMDB was developers who already used BerkeleyDB. Particularly relevant to this conversation, the Getting Started guide, for people unfamiliar with either LMDB or BDB, was written by a user and contributed to the project.

Howard Chu @ Symas replied to mhoye

@mhoye @jrconlin it's working at this moment. It was timing out for me too, right after I posted.

also note

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