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Henry Edward Hardy

PDP 11/23
List of Error Halts

Address of error Octal Cause of error
173036 06 CP1 error, R0 contains address of error

@ParadeGrotesque @mhoye

Henry Edward Hardy

I never was on the 11/23.

At Hiram College in 1977 I thought the 11/45 with a 30 MEGABYTE!!! Winchester drive the size of a compact washing machine, was possibly the coolest thing I had ever seen. :)

My account had 100K of storage, and I about thought I had died on gone to heaven. Up till then we were using paper tape or 150 baud cassette tape drives.

I could see the future, and it was bright.

How we got stuck in this crappy timeline? Some idea but really humans?

@ParadeGrotesque @mhoye

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