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Ian Sudbery

@adriano @da_667 @mhoye

I guess this gets to the nub of it: who should be able to do the work we are talking about? Should everyone be able to do it? Should it be resitricted to trained professional (mechanics). If so, how hard shuold it be to become a mechanic? Should anyone be able to do it with a little bit of time and some tutorials and manuals, or do you need a first class degree in engineering (automotive or software).


@IanSudbery @da_667 @mhoye Look, the original post talked about documentation for programmers. Not for everyone. Talking about documentation that serves everyone is a different conversation.

Ian Sudbery

@adriano @da_667 @mhoye Actaully, I agree, mostly. I think we've gone off down an unhelpful analogy.

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