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@mhoye I mostly got familiar with "tl;dr" as a summary for rants of message boards.

Or did some random service decide to confusingly name itself that?


@mhoye Also, when the source code can be inspected at runtime, investigating the source of an error is much easier.

#Emacs has demonstrated this many times to me. #CommonLisp systems too.

I won't argue about the harmfulness of the unix brainworms, as I happen to agree as to their harmfulness.

I do not however believe the assessment about the loss of a generation is any certainty.


@lispi314 @mhoye There is now a command called "tldr" that is some sort of abbreviated blurb halfway between whatis and a man page. The irony of naming the manual people use when they don't want to deeply rtfm after an acronym ending in "didn't read" seems to have eluded folks.

Omar AntolĂ­n

@lispi314 @mhoye Some program did name itself tldr, but I don't think it's that confusing: it's for people who do know that documentation exists but think it is too long and want shorter documentation to read.


@oantolin @mhoye It did momentarily confuse me as I thought it was a claim the expression "tl;dr" had such origins (which it doesn't).

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