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@mhoye It’s true. Also, even assuming the docs are good, I need to do something I don’t know how to do, or I encounter an error. Do I go to the language or software web site, assuming I remember the domain or bookmarked it, search where they buried the link to the docs, use the web site’s shitty TOC or shitty search function to find the page that addresses my problem? >>


@mhoye Or do I Google what I want to do or the error message, click the first result, which is a StackOverflow answer that’s titled exactly about what I’m looking for, because someone more experienced made the original poster edit the title to make it more relevant, read the question, which is very detailed and well written because more experienced people asked for clarification and edited it to improve it, then read the top answers that have been upvoted and discussed by many people? >>


@mhoye Also, assuming the docs are good and address my problem, which the StackOverflow answer is also about, then someone will have commented with RTFM and a link to the relevant page of the docs, quoting the exact part that addresses the problem. It’s hard to compete with that.

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