@mhoye on a related note, this is also a personal peeve i have with large parts of the FLOSS community. i am someone who loves docs. i love reading them, i love writing them. i love code that’s more comments than code. i love explaining things and i love getting them explained. but many parts of the community treat docs like they’re some kind of extra, nice-to-have add-on and not the most crucial basis for others to use and build on your work.

many successful projects are only successful because of their docs. you can’t tell me, for example, that archlinux has the place it does because of its awesome package manager (which, let’s be real, is mediocre at best) or its amazing installation workflow (?????). it’s gotten where it is because of its goddamn wiki. mozilla made providing documentations of stuff a large part of its identity. but then people still turn up their noses at people who write docs because they think that’s somehow a lesser skill