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@mhoye I don't think that's quite where to place the blame. Old UNIX culture always demanded man pages for binaries _and_ library calls. It's the modern web that treats it with contempt, which is why there is, for instance, no manual for YouTube, or GMail, or or Android. Google is a big driver of the obnoxious no-documentation culture.


@phooky absolutely nothing web-based or google-owned is in the screenshots of this thread

wb x64

@phooky @mhoye "self documenting code!" surely if you stare at this collection of function signatures in this header file long enough you'll find the magic buried within.

I just fixed a steaming pile of this in my own work, mostly just reorganizing things and using consistent plain English instead of whatever the programmer came up with. I did just ask that a new "find" function be renamed to "get" however since we aren't searching a tree for anything, we're obtaining the contents of one node.

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