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Ben Cole

@mhoye I dunno man, I've seen some garbage error messages from compilers but this one is litterally pointing at the mistake.

I've had to work a lot of juniors around how to read error messages and stack traces but I'm not really sure of a better way to indicate issues (especially in a way that's applicable to multiple possible problems).

It might be nice to have a somewhat less judgmental place (than stack overflow) to search for common issues though, especially for beginners.

1 comment

@pxlplz I understand your point, but there's only so far away from the actual error you can with Hello World. It's a Hello World example, you know?

We can try a slightly different example, with the quotes fixed but % in the string, but this one is a lot less dramatic - a person with the on-device docs would have a real shot at quickly realizing that "%" is a special-case escape character (at least, if they're lucky enough to read the BSD docs, which are notably better than the Linux versions.)

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