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Sherri W (SyntaxSeed)

@mhoye This 100%!!

My god I can't believe how many times I've looked with despair at convoluted docs when a series of explained, code examples would have gone 1000x better.

That's why people love StackOverflow, because the answers usually include *example code*.

It's the programming equivalent of 'a picture is worth a thousand words'.

Show me don't tell me.

maegul replied to Sherri W (SyntaxSeed)

@syntaxseed @mhoye

I often suspect if the ultimate “zen” of documentation is just a well structured and indexed series of code examples with outputs and inputs.

Similarly for research papers except with figures and plots.

MikeStok replied to Sherri W (SyntaxSeed)

@syntaxseed @mhoye @gvwilson after a few decades watching and doing software development and maintenance I have these recurring thoughts:

- I wish I had been taught the basics of technical writing at university.
- When I need to do some focussed thinking it seems the tooling and environment developers often use seems designed to prevent that focussed thinking.
- How things fail is just as important as if they succeed to both users and maintainers.
- (that’s enough)

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