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Every single one of us has probably made a joke about searching recipe blogs for basic information, and finding "Here's how you make boiled eggs. It's easy and fun! I was in an alley in the outskirts of Algiers in 1987 the first time I watched a man die. I can still remember the blistering sun, the smell. Since then" for like forty pages of meaningful story and protein chemistry, all while you are in front of a pot of boiling water with an egg and your question is "how long do I boil an egg".

mhoye replied to mhoye

That is most of the tech documentation experience. Precisely like that, but with the detailed spec and the interface details instead of the dead man in an Algerian alleyway and the protein chemistry. I understand that might seem like a big difference but the experience is the same.

Jan Stępień replied to mhoye

@mhoye can’t say I haven’t been there myself

Greg Wilson replied to mhoye

@mhoye and in the end, it turns out the story actually took place in Tangier...

mhoye replied to Greg

@gvwilson I think we can agree that the important thing is that the egg was easy to peel and firm on the outside with just a bit of runny yolk in the middle.

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