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@marcel @Natanox @jonny Assuming you read it while browsing Mastodon, you don't need to remember it using the built-in search either. As long as your post reaches the other instance (which it will on any moderately sized one), it can be found through anyone searching it.

It's true that you won't reach the small instances most likely however, but I suspect people on small instances know how to find things they want.

Marcel Waldvogel

@mattswift @Natanox @jonny reads:
"Mastodon’s full-text search allows logged in users to find results from their own statuses, their mentions, their favourites, and their bookmarks."

So, it's not everything I read, I need to have interacted with it (or vice versa). But indeed, a lot is now covered with the built-in search (which wasn't the case when #Tootfinder started).

Maybe @buercher can explain more differences?

@mattswift @Natanox @jonny reads:
"Mastodon’s full-text search allows logged in users to find results from their own statuses, their mentions, their favourites, and their bookmarks."

So, it's not everything I read, I need to have interacted with it (or vice versa). But indeed, a lot is now covered with the built-in search (which wasn't the case when #Tootfinder started).


@marcel @Natanox @jonny @buercher this is old documentation from before 4.2.0.

With the latest Mastodon releases, instances can work a proper full text search if they install a search engine such as ElasticSearch.

They should probably update that.

Edit: Please see


@HeNeArXn @marcel @Natanox @jonny @buercher ah woops, I admit I have not looked at the docs for a while so I just assumed that was the page

Marcel Waldvogel

@mattswift @HeNeArXn @Natanox @jonny @buercher docs-p was ranked higher in my search results than docs 🤷.

Going with the current docs and the "public statuses from account that opted into appearing in search results" bullet point: Is this for all accounts, or just local accounts? If the former: How is the "search opt-in" flag communicated to other instances? As part of the profile information?

Matthias Bürcher

@marcel @mattswift @HeNeArXn @Natanox @jonny Do you have the flag in your instance? I cannot check for me because my instance is still 4.1, but I expect the property to be exposed on the API via the profile.

Annika Backstrom

@marcel @mattswift It applies to any account (local or remote), and yes, it's part of the profile. Also, profiles that have opted-in to search are polled more frequently for updates, in case the user has opted back out of search (indicating the remote server should remove that account from its search index)

Simon Müller :sparkles_trans:

@marcel the current full-text search adds anyone to your index. If your instance knows of a person, and that person is opted in, it'll index. No matter whether they're local or not.

Matthias Bürcher

@marcel @mattswift @Natanox @jonny Tootfinder indexes all original public posts from whoever opted in. No replies however. As for the search syntax, I do not know what Mastodon uses. Tootfinder is limited to 90 days. I don't know how long Mastodon goes back and how the instances will cope with the volume.

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