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Gabor Cselle

Ok this is JUST an experiment, but hoping you'll sign up!

Jane Chapman

@gabor I am keeping my other account as well but I am here and looking forward to other Pebblers joining in. Thanks for setting it up!

Jay Jurisich

@gabor Remember, you still have the Pebble brand! And Herbert. Who knows where they may lead you. Cheers!

Jay Jurisich

@gabor The interface here is a fugly, crowded mess. Someone mentioned Elk on Pebble as an option for a nicer front end — may be worth exploring:

Marino :pebble:

@jay @gabor You can login at with as the instance and you will using but with the interface.

Marino :pebble:

@jay @gabor Phanpy ( is another client, even simpler and cleaner. Too clean for me, but may appeal for others.


@marino @jay @gabor

That's right. You can access to from any instances by using web clients or apps including Elk and a lot of others.

Daniel Loftus (purple tick)

@gabor - I’m trying anything. Pebble is a special place!

Maggie MS

@gabor Hello!
Do you by any chance know if, for an ex-Pebbler who already has a Mastodon account (with another instance), there is a way of creating an account with which will automatically copy the toots and other activities by that existing account??
I'm afraid I can't afford any more Mastodon account (given that I've already got a few accounts here)...


@gabor  こんにちは、元pebbleユーザーです。初めてmastodonに登録してみました。今後ともよろしくお願いします!

Andy Piper

@gabor excited to have you here! I assume accounts are not migrated (I couldn't sign in with mine), this is nice to see anyway!

Eugen Rochko

@gabor Here I was thinking how to get your contact details to reach out 😃

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