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@nixCraft Flask before python... Understandable, have a nice day😐✌️

Ángela Stella Matutina


alt text:

1995: PHP is dead, learn ColdFusion
2002: PHP is dead, learn
2003: PHP is dead, learn Django
2004: PHP is dead, learn Ruby on Rails
2010: PHP is dead, learn Flask
2011: PHP is dead, learn AngularJS
2016: PHP is dead, learn Next.js
2022: PHP is dead, learn Python
2023: [Peter Quill from "Avengers: Infinity War"] How the hell is this dude still alive?


@nixCraft Nice. Too bad the image does not have an alt text though :-/

Florian Schmidt

Yes, but *have you tried JavaScript*?

Potatoes Fall


Me, learning Python 19 years after becoming a Django dev: I wish I'd done this sooner

Ankit Pati

@potatoes_fall @nixCraft You joke, but I kid you not, there are Django devs who can’t add two numbers in Python, just like there are jQuery devs who can’t do the same in JavaScript.

Frameworks take on a life of their own, sometimes so completely isolated from the language that devs end up specialising and making money using the framework while lacking even rudimentary knowledge of the language.

Martin A. Brooks

@nixCraft wait until you hear about something called @Perl


@nixCraft maybe languages don't die. Except for new ones. They die out like nothing.


@nixCraft I forgot I wrote Ruby code for a while. It was good enough.

Stefan Scholl

@nixCraft because nobody understood how to make a real alternative to PHP and why people are using it.

It's very frustrating.PHP should really be dead. It was from a newbie for newbies. But somehow it was kept alive.

If you want to barf: Read the source code for PHP/FI 2.0

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