@i0null @coupland @velinion @oliverherold @porru
yeah regulatory capture is exactly my fear.
I'm just a lone tinkerer at the minute - I see huge potential being unlocked with these opensourced models , and a bunch of people arguing they should be shut down :/
I've been pro-tech all my life ever since my first 8bit machine. I've always seen it as an individual enabler, and without being 'left or right wing', opensource is very inline with that.
@walter4096 @coupland @velinion @oliverherold @porru
Yeah it's such a shame that a technology with such emancipatory potential is more likely to hand greater power to the biggest players.
Many people say technology is neutral but the application of it certainly isn't.
I’ve been fairly surprized by Meta's commitment to open source but after that whole Cambridge Analytica scandal IMHO they're going to need to do a whole lot more to regain some reputation.