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кыштымский карлик

@gravitos Why did they break it? and why again?
I touched it and it looks great and useful

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@predicterOfShroomsLight now every single telegram client is going to beg me for updating for the next three months because the replies are in a new format or something. also fuck the emote background thing, its distracting from the actual content.

i do however think that the link preview configuration is a fine addition.

кыштымский карлик

@gravitos What is the problem with updating or using auto-updates?

кыштымский карлик

@gravitos no, but Telegram did not undertake to support third-party clients from other developers

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@predicterOfShroomsLight that is true, but i'll have to wait until my clients support that. which most of them might just not. like, Teleports (for UT) does not even have calls.

кыштымский карлик

@gravitos And then the logical question is - what is the point of using these clients? Why not just use the official one?

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@predicterOfShroomsLight sigh

- ads
- utter lack of useful shortcuts
- more ads
- pay for premium
- hey see this cool button that you can tap accidentally and that stands out against everything else on your screen because its literally your pfp? yeah, you need to pay to use it. no, you cant remove it.
- voice messages
- even more ads
- ads ran by channels themselves
- no quick way to send a message to my favorites (bgram lets you do a double swipe gesture for that)
- no masked ping (in bgram you can send pings to people with stickers, so they are pinged and literally noone else knows that)
- ADS :blobcatreeeeeee:
- lack of material you theming (it sucks, but its better than doing the whole thing manually)
- other fancy features that the official telegram client will never have because the only thing they give a fuck about is money

@predicterOfShroomsLight sigh

- ads
- utter lack of useful shortcuts
- more ads
- pay for premium
- hey see this cool button that you can tap accidentally and that stands out against everything else on your screen because its literally your pfp? yeah, you need to pay to use it. no, you cant remove it.
- voice messages
- even more ads
- ads ran by channels themselves
- no quick way to send a message to my favorites (bgram lets you do a double swipe gesture for that)
- no masked ping (in bgram you can send...

кыштымский карлик

@gravitos It’s interesting, because I didn’t notice the advertising at all, it was there, but it wasn’t at all intrusive imho, and the premium doesn’t seem to be promoted so aggressively, because it really has almost no useful features.

Well, it’s cool if you found yourself custom clients, of course. Probably in this case you will suffer with updates - yes. Apparently this is your fee)

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​ replied to кыштымский

@predicterOfShroomsLight and back to official telegram clients, that are also updated slowly. THIS is why i said they "broke" replies.

also, if you're giving random premium users the ability to change color of pixels on your screen arbitrarily, your app will eventually turn into pay-to-play r/place with no cooldowns.

a friendly reminder that originally telegram promised to never include ads or paywalled features

кыштымский карлик replied to :blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​


Слушай, ну если тебе не нравится платформа, то не обязательно ее использовать. Когда мне не нравился what's app, а телега только появилась я перевел близких на телегу.

Телега хочет заработать денег на рекламе и премиум пользователях и это нормально имхо

Что кстати за браузер используешь ?

кыштымский карлик replied to :blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@gravitos неплохо ты ее накрутил, красиво прям

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​ replied to кыштымский

@predicterOfShroomsLight кстати у этой темы, что я скинул, есть поддержка вертикальных вкладок с помощью tab center reborn

кыштымский карлик replied to :blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@gravitos тогда это вообще то, что мне нужно. Посмотрю как там реализовано.

Хоть и sideberry оч неплох, но интересно

*Как бы там классно не было сделано, не перестану вонять, что нам нужны нативные вертикальные табы 🥲

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