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Luna, but on a new instance

who needs things like skydiving when you can get the same adrenaline rush by causing an incident in prod


@luna Luna, dare I ask what you've done?

liebach; ++ungood; // 🏳️‍🌈

@MadMike77 It doesn’t have to be deployment related that @luna caused an incident. Or it having happened today.

James Widman

@luna the difference is that skydiving feels *good* after the jump (and also a different kind of good after landing)


are there people who get a good feeling from causing incidents in prod?

James Widman

@luna [suddenly remembers reading a phrase like, "if it exists, there is kink of it"]

oh god...

Luna, but on a new instance

@JamesWidman sounds like we need a buttplugio integration for pagerduty @qdot

Stephen Radford :telly:

@luna @theresnotime I skipped staging and deployed straight to prod on a Friday 😰

~/phranck :antifa:

@luna @flexion With skydiving one can see the „hole big picture“. 😃

hotkey (Zoé)

@luna ... or by having to make a phone call.

Just me then?


@luna Feeling a bit faint in the morning but cutting back on coffee? Truncate a table on the prod db.


@luna is it cuter if I call it a meowtage

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