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Vertigo #$FF

@topher @Miriamm This is what leads me to the thought that anyone designing a user interface today has no right doing so unless they can demonstrate that the UI can work as-is on a pure monochrome display.

Making the original Macintosh a black and white only device was probably the single best thing they could've done for making a usable platform that lasted as long as it has. I hate to say it, but, as much as I enjoy using NeXTStep, when it became OS X, it thoroughly destroyed the Mac's usability, and has never been the same since.

The Blue Wizard

@vertigo @topher @Miriamm Funny, one of my top reasons for my refusing to buy a monochrome Mac (aside from the price, etc.) is that I insisted on having some colors. I understand the desktop publication was Mac's gravy. Still, hard nope for me. I noticed that Apple was slow in rolling out the color Macs. So slow that Amiga and Atari ST came out and gave serious competition against the color Mac, which was a quite pricey at the start. I ended up bought Amiga 1000. ZERO REGRET! 😀​

Vertigo #$FF

@thebluewizard @topher @Miriamm Oops, please don't think that I'm anti-color! I'm not! I just think that a UI is one of those things where having constraints is healthy.

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