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...Aaaand, we're back. For now.

50 days and change the box stayed up, but last time this happened, it didn't stay up long, it was up and down. Needs either a new motherboard or something else, and FSE might have to move. Registrations are going to be closed for now. The box might be up and down. Unfortunately, I don't have time to deal with the flaky hardware unless a bucket of money falls out of the sky. Maybe I'll do that other really stupid plan later (host it out of my house and reverse-proxy it with Tor), but FSE will be horrifyingly slow if that happens.

In the short term, FSE is going to move to Revolver, sooner rather than later. Like, I'm going to see if I can't get it out the door before the next time the box crashes, that's the timeframe I'm talking right now. Until further notice, it's just that and profit-seeking tasks, that's the entirety of what I'm doing.

FSE does not take donations. The reason FSE does not take donations is because I think this causes trouble for administration: you cannot give money to someone that runs the site if you expect the site to run cleanly.

Revolver, however, has no admins. It is software I am writing. I said before that it was not far enough along to take donations; it is now. I wanted to wait until the prototype was out, but if FSE's going to make the transition from routing electrons to emitting smoke, I may as well start the whoring now while it's still up. So, here's a LiberaPay project: and here's a QR code for sending Bitcoin to 1BZz3ndJUoWhEvm1BfW3FzceAjFqKTwqWV . If you pinged me about helping out with the project, now is a good time to either donate or send me a DM about code you have offered to write. No assistance is required with the backend yet, but if you can figure out what I'm doing just from the cryptic remarks and the Liberapay summary, then maybe we think enough alike to not run into the "three guys digging a 1x1' hole" problem, but until the code's live, that's the problem I'm trying to avoid. Revolver v0.1 is a 1x1' hole and putting more people on it will just make the shovels bang.
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